

Field of Daffodils
I walk through the field,
With the scent of sweet, saccharine daffodils around me,
I spot someone amidst the tall grass ahead, a little boy, no younger than me.
I walk towards him, he looks at me in bewilderment.
"What are you doing here? This is my field!" He shouts.
I ask him, "Are these flowers yours?"
He says shyly, "Yes, they're nice and colorful, no?"
I agreeably nod, he had eyes of a blue-grey hue,
Hair of chocolate and dozens of little brown freckles scattered on his cheeks.
He dressed oddly well.
I asked him, "May I sit around and admire the view?"
He nodded hesitantly and looked around cautiously.
I asked him, "What are you looking out for?"
He responded, "My uncle. He shouldn't see me here. He'll..."
He stopped. His eyes teared up slightly beneath the sunshine.
I sat with him in the grass. I patted his back and asked him - "Are you...okay?"
The lad burst out into tears, talked of the horrible things his uncle did to him.
He said, "Don't tell anyone, please. If you tell, they'll send my uncle away, and I'll go to an orphanage. He doesn't want me to have any friends."
I nodded, with tears in my own eyes. I knew what it felt like, to be alone, to feel trapped.
I patted him on the back soothingly and told him "It's going to be alright. I'm your friend, right?"
He smiled through those falling tears and wiped them away. He said, "It's getting late, I should head home. See you soon?"
"See you soon."
I didn't even get his name. I didn't see him ever again. I came, every single day - till the day I had to leave.
Little boy, if you're out there - I hope you're doing alright. I'm proud of you for telling me what you did that day. Though I was too young to understand, I tried my best. If you're out there, I hope that you're okay.
© D.M Wright