

Teaser From My Future Novel To Be - Title Of Which TBC
Nothing seemed real. My head felt heavy and my hands seemed to be trapped within two dimensions. It felt like I was stuck in some kind of sick illusion. I felt like I was being sucked into an alternative time and space where everything was morphed. The floor seemed to disappear beneath me and as I continued to look down, a figure emerged. Her hair darker than the red sea her eyes blacker than day. I felt overwhelming semse of déjà vu like I had seen her before. It didn’t last long until all that surrounded me was complete darkness with only a scent that was so oddly familiar, almost homely. A scent which I felt drawn towards. A scent that to call overpowering would have been too kind, as it led me further into the darkness. The air around me once again became clear showing me to be on some kind of rocky red plane. I realised the smell that had me so familiar before, was sulfur, and dread began to fill me, until it all disappeared and the environment once again to normal as if nothing ever happened. The only thing that remained was a raging headache. Hope looked at me with worry in her eyes.
“Are you ok?”
© Issy Wilson