

You're gonna be okay
You've been through many ups and downs. You've experienced many moments of sorrow, hurt and situations that makes you feel as if that is the end of your life.

As long as you're on this Earth, sorrows, hurts and other unpleasant experiences are inevitable. You will definitely be in one of these situations or the other. They are also part of this life experiences. For as long as there are happy moments in life, the same way there will be sad moments. These two moments are not something you allow or create for yourself but there are circumstances that are certainly to come in the life of every individual in one form or the other.

The most important thing is what you do in these situations and circumstances that matters most, your reactions and the attitudes in those moments will determine what you will receive afterwards.

These situations are not meant to kill you or break you down but they are there as a challenge to confront by you in other to prepare you to a new level of life. Every thing we face has a lesson and a blessing that they bring. See the lesson in every situation and allow them to be a blessing to you.

In everything you face in this life, you've got to assure yourself that, those moments shall also pass, and you are not going to die by them but you will definitely get out of it more stronger than ever.

No matter the situation you are going through now, just relax your mind, calm yourself down and be grateful for the life and the good things you have. Worrying about what happened to you will not solve the problem but will increase the hurt associated with it.

No situation is permanent.
This also shall pass, you're not going to die with this but you're going to be okay.