

My Mother's teaching
The time had come to start my journey. I leaned out of the window, waving as long as I could while she disappeared into the distance.
As tears fell slowly from my eyes unto my cheeks.
Life had began In fullest for me .
I would indeed miss her .
Her warm hugs and cuddles .
Her kisses and words of reassurance.
I was happy on the other hand cause I could
Face life now without fear for she taught
Me to be fierces and brave .
She taught me how to handle the situations of life
She always told me that tho... I might feel alone and look alone
In the world I am in ,
that I was not alone .
She introduced me to a very special person early in life.
She told me that this person would never leave or forsake me
in life .She told me that this person was my guardian angel and would
always protect and guard me in the affairs of my life .
She told me not to fear for I had a protector always with me
She told me that tho they might be trials and tribulations.
My guardian angel was sure to always resuce me.
She told me that my guardian angel would never allow me to fall
and never allow me to be hurt and alone in life .
She taught me how to call upon this guardian angel in time of troubles
and pains , tribulations and sorrow .
She prepared me for life and coated me with amours of courage
and bravery.
Amours of love and joy through she said I could only get from my guardian angel.
I was ready for life as a whole not because I had it all.
Not because I had all the courage and bravery in the world but because.
I was rest assured that my guardian angel was always and would always be with me .