

Pink princess (Episode 1)
{Hello to all my viewers I hope you will like the story. The story revolves around a girl "Pinky" who is secretly enrolled in pink magics of golden world but she is unaware of the fact , but what will happen when she will fall in love with the man who does these cheating ?? , to know this read the story only on writco. My episodes will air on every Thursday , so be stay tuned in all time on my account.}

Once upon a time...
There stood a big kingdom of king royal burns who was always been frustrated , but on the other hand his daughter "Pinky" was very kind , loving , sweet and very beautiful. Every single boy of the kingdom loved her very much. But she was only like a friend with them. "Advait" one of the boys in the kingdom who didn't had any mustache loved her more than himself and one day he gave her Bouquet of roses and he got a pleasant smile from pinky , which manipulated him fall too much for her. But on the other hand queens of golden world were planning something else for pinky , what was it ??

I hope you liked today's episode

Please follow me , like my stories and give feedback , till then stay blessed 🤲
