

Live for the future I never gave you
The rain poured heavily over her shivering figure. Water droplets fell from her face. She could not tell if it's from the rain or from her eyes. No light came from the houses surrounding her. Only the moon guided her. It was weird. It was raining and yet, the moon was shining brightly. Like it was mocking her.

Why is the world so unfair? Why must the world always not go her way?

It was a story from long ago. A story from when the world was bright and sunny. She was a young girl enjoying her youth. Everyday, she wore a smile on her face. She was happy.

Then she met him.

She met the man of her dreams. He was a strong yet innocent young man who had a lot of dreams to be fulfilled.

They fell in love at first sight. She was happy before but now, she could not feel happiness if he was not next to her. They got closer to each other and soon became lovers. Nobody got in their way because other people saw their genuine love for each other. They complete each other as if they were the missing pieces of each other's incomplete puzzles. Truly a love to be envied by others.

Years went by, they got married. It was a joyous occasion and everybody was happy for the lovebirds. They were not rich but that did not matter when they have each other. They fulfilled their dreams. Having their own home and opening their own shop.

Soon after, they were expecting an addition to their family. Obviously, they were overjoyed. They planned to shower their child with love. They want the child to have many happy memories and live a happy life. Also hopefully, the child would have a sibling to take care of.  They were excited for what their future holds for them.

But all dreams must come to an end.

One moment they were smiling, the next she was crying. She found out her husband was from a high-ranking noble family from a foreign continent. He was supposed to be married to a noble lady but he ran away. Now he was found and was forced to leave behind his family to start another with a different woman.

They were not able to say their last goodbyes. Just like that, the love of her life was gone.

After that, her heart was shattered to pieces. The other people pitied her but there was nothing they could do. Commoners have no power against nobles. She lost the man she was supposed to grow old with. She did not go outside her house. The house that was once warm only felt cold and empty. She placed a hand over her big stomach. Their child was the only reason for her to live on.

Months after, she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. She looked like her but her eyes were exactly like her father's. The same eyes that used to sparkle when he saw her. She clutched her baby close to her. This will be the first and last time she'll be able to hold her tenderly. She knew her child will be hunted down by the family of her husband's new wife. They feel threatened that she will take revenge for what happened to her parents. With a heavy heart, she kissed her baby hello, I love you, and goodbye.

Now, the rain continued to soak her weak body. Still, she clutched her daughter close to her. She was so close. At last, she saw the huge, wooden doors of the church that once took care of her. She climbed up the marble steps and with the last of her strength, banged on the door. She saw a light flicker in one of the windows. She let out a breath of relief. She put down her baby. Her beautiful daughter was sleeping so soundly. She smiled bitterly.

She wanted to do so many things. She had so many plans. Alas, she could no longer fulfill that. Her child would not even remember her nor her father. The only thing she would leave behind is her wedding ring hanging on a silver chain.

"I love you"

With that she ran away. Away from the town full of memories. Away from the people she held dear. Away from the happiness of the past and the regrets of the present. She no longer had a future. She had enough. She let out her final breath and collapsed.

"I love you. Please live on."

© Merii Hart