

Chapter 2 : Rescue Plan
He landed with his fist down and formed a small crater on the floor.
"But how the heck do I find her" he said.
"Let's see if web of intrigue can be of help"
He activated his system and clicked on web of intrigue.
He tried looking for Dana Mercer.
{>>He suddenly saw an apartment complex, Dana was in one of the room he was watching her while she helped him do something on the laptop.<<}
"Woah. That was easier than expected. But it's more difficult than the game due to the fact that if I die once, I'm gone forever", he said and quickly sprints away jumping from building to buildings.
About hundred metres away, he finds three Blackwatch soilders in front of the building.

"Still the same old, same old", he said grinning.
He quickly jumps down and walks casually to an alley way. He finds a drunk man there pissing. He grabs his neck from behind and punches a hole through his gut. Symbiotic tendrils came out from his body and absorbs the man.

He shapeshifted into the man and walked slowly towards the blackwatch soilders.

Seeing that they didn't pay him any heed, he continued walking towards them.
All of a sudden he rushed towards one of them and grabbed him, consuming him immediately. The remaining two were instantly on alert and fired at him nonstop.

** Ding! **
New Power Unlocked : Claws

"Great, just in time", he said and tried forming claws.
Countless tendrils crawled towards his arms quickly and materialized. Substituting his arms into four razor-sharp claws.
When he was transformed he quickly leaped into the air slashing towards the first BLACKWATCH Soilder in sight.

However, from the corner of his eyes, he saw a Soilder crouched down firing a rocket at him.
In the air, he quickly twisted his body, barely escaping. He quickly used air dash, using the air as a leverage for throwing himself forward, he hit the soilder in front of him.
Blood oozed out from his headless body as his head dropped unto the ground.
Surrounding citizens fled the scene immediately, shouting as they ran for their lives. He ran forward and kicked the second soilder in the gut just as he was about to run.

Looking at the bodies on the floor, he turned his back and started running on the building, at a point, he released his grip and somersaulted and used airdash to break into the window of one of the apartments.

"Alex??",a feminine voice asked. In front of her was a Commander BLACKWATCH soilder clothed in white.
Raising his grenade launcher, he shot it towards Alex immediately.
Alex put both claws in front of his chest as he blocked it. He was still thrown into the wall by the attack.
But with his superhuman speed he appeared in front of the man after a second. He grabbed his neck fiercely and consumed him.
Dana gasped as Alex turned to her, thinking she would be next.

What he said next surprised her, "Are you hurt?? We have to leave here fast. This people will stop at nothing to kill us"
"Ok. Lets go", she said and bit her lip resisting the urge to ask about what just happened.
"I'll explain what happened on the way", he retracted his claws and piggy-backed her while jumping out of the window.
She screamed and clutched him even tighter.
He landed perfectly and started sprinting away from the location as fast as he could.
"Your friend who's in Netherlands. Do you know where her old apartment is?", he asked.
"South Manhattan. A couple blocks away. Wait, how do you know that", she asked.
"That's for later", he said and went towards the destination.

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