

Behind my fears
The old, treasure chest lay exposed when the storm retreated. My fingers trembled as I crawled exhaustedly to it. The stinging wound on my stomach hurt even more than when I had originally gotten it.

"Don't over work yourself Zorn" Asher, my second soul told me. Ever since I was a little boy I had always had Asher. It saved me from depression after my mum died and always protected me from the out world. The world of demons and angels. I was one of the few mortals that had a creature within me and as such I was haunted by the demons. Don, the demon king always had me on his radar. The only way I could live eternally without fear was to get the treasure of Gordon, the snake beast but years of search has proven impossible.

My wounds healed slowly and after a while I could finally move. I went through the treasure chest and as figured the treasure of Gordon which was supposedly in the shape of an Mystic Ark was not there.

"At least you got more money" Asher said trying to lift my spirit.

"Money can't buy peace of mind. Don will soon find us and attack. I don't want to hurt you" I sighed. Asher separated itself from my body taking the shape of a woman and sat beside me on the shore.

"When the time comes. We'll fight together like we always do" Asher said.

"Are you certain that by that time you wouldn't have left me?" I asked, my insecurities taking over my mind.

"I know by that time you would have become a warrior" Asher smiled. I rested my head on its laps and drifted to slumber.

"Awake you cowardly mortal" a deep voice shouted. My eyes flickered slowly before finding myself before the council. Asher was tied to a shrine and I was chained to the wall behind me.

"Asher" I gasped. It's eyes tried to assure me that we were okay although his body language said a different thing.

"Why are we here?" I growled.

"Silence. You may not speak" the red haired mean looking man snarled.

"Tell me little Zorn why you have stolen the Ears of Ambatick" the jury asked. I was many things but not a thief. I've never stolen.

"I haven't stolen a thing" I growled.

"I found a treasure chest which used to contain the Ears of Ambatick, but yesterday night it disappeared from our palace and found its way to your hands" the head of the council explained.

"I didn't steal a thing" I repeated angrily.

"Then why do you have the chest with you?" the jury master asked. I racked my brain for an answer but my memory only began from when I was crawling to the treasure chest in search of the treasure of Gordon.

"I-i-i don't remember" I muttered.

"With that statement we the council sentence you to hard labour with Don the demon" the head of the council announced. My heart fell to my feet while my skin paled.

"Do you want me dead?" I shouted.

"Any thief should die miserably" the jury master smirked. Guards came to me and took me away.

"Asher!!!" I shouted. They were separating from my only friend. Tears trickled from my eyes. If only I could remember.

"Keep calm Zorn. Im hear with you. This is all part of my plan" Asher chuckled. Once I was thrown into my cell. Asher separated itself from me taking the form of a boy my age.

"I wiped your memory of yesterday" He told me.

"Why?" I yelled.

"if you did, I wouldn't be able to get you to go to Don" he replied.

"Don't you get it. We are supposed to get away from Don" I complained.

"Where do you think the treasure of Gordon is located?" Asher asked.

"In a treasure chest" I replied honestly.

"No Zorn. it's with the Snake beast idiot" Asher insulted. I punched his arm and he physically flinched.

"The snake beast was conquered by the demon king" he told me.

"Don" I gasped.

"Exactly. So where do you think the treasure of Gordon lies?" he asked.

"With Don" I replied. I hugged him happily.

"Tomorrow we attack" he said.

"and get that damn treasure" I smirked.

I woke up shaking with excitement. Don sent a slave to come get me. i was rough handed before being thrown to the feet of Don.

"Finally I have the last of your kind" He roared happily. Asher separated from my body and made himself not visible to anyone except me. The treasure of Gordon slept above Don's axe. I smiled mockingly at Don.

"Why do you seem happy Zorn?" Don asked.

"Because you are stupid" I replied. On cue, Asher threw the treasure to me and I immediately chanted the spell. Asher merged with me quickly. Don grew angry, his face as red as a tomato. Then suddenly he burst into laughter.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked.

"I'm laughing because you are very stupid" he laughed. Immediately Asher forcefully separated from me and was taken by Don. His body erupted with power and energy.

"Impossible. How?" I shouted.

"Because I am Don the Demon. King of Mischief" he laughed. Lightning struck the castle and thunder roared.

"No" I cried. I fell to my knees in sorrow.

"Yes Zorn and now I will destroy you mortal souls" he laughed. He sent a ball of electrically charged attacks to different parts of the kingdom destroy cities inhabited by mortals. There was only one thing I could do. I performed the life sealing spell. I separated my body into million atoms and surrounded Don.

"Get away from me Zorn" he shouted.

"Goodbye Don" I smiled. My body atoms exploded destroying Don also.

"If I don't have my friend with me then I have no need to live" I said.

"Zorn" Asher's voice spoke.

Don disintegrated leaving few of my atoms that remained to fuse back. I lost 75% of my body molecules.

"You saved us" Asher said.

"I'm happy" I smiled as my body began to vanish piece by piece.

"Bye friend" Asher said to me.

My body disappeared but just before my soul seized to exist. Asher merged with me.

"You'll continue to live in my heart" He said.