

Trauma Doesn't Make You Stronger.
Trauma doesn't make you stronger its rubbish..!!
You make yourself out of it by your own, by Draging yourself but it doesn't Leave you.
It gave you insecurities
It gave you memory loss
I gave you sleepless nights
It gave you fear of loosing ppl
Simply its destroys your whole personality.
It makes you weak mentally and physically
It makes you a distractive person , you start living in a fantasy world ,cuz you doesn't wanna live in this world , you Start running from the reality cuz its just so terrifying , then slowly and steadily you lose all of your focus , you found yourself constantly thinking and thinking over Lil Lil things, start panicking over small things , lose your control , you feel lost , feel emptiness , you become extremely emotional ,cry over Lil things , become a short temper person , and when you are going thought all of this ,you didn't notice this at all, that what is happening with me or why am I changing ,is it right or not .you didn't know you keep dragging your life even don't knowing what is really happening to you .
Ad when you realized that you have changed , you have become a completely different person and realizes that this is not you
Then you came to know that it had started years ago
that trauma has changed you completely
But the thing is and the fact is that trauma is still their ! Those hurtful, painful memories are still their, those voices still echoes in your mind and those things have changed you by living in you.
This is what trauma do to you !
You pretend to be strong but
It doesn't make you strong at all
It makes you someone that you are not and never wanted to be... :)
It makes you a hollow person
And in the end you start fabulously pretending to be okay , but you're not !
It doesn't make you strong but your other life experiences does.!!