

Something that makes me want to write.It feels a bit weird to jot it down since it's really what I went through.Something that doesn't really make it better.Days were good, everything went well and all of a sudden the returns bring more chaos,more misunderstanding,more and more issues.I don't understand why people do this.Dont they know there are consequences for the actions.You hurt and next day you apologize,doesn't really patch everything.All the consistent hardwork put in making things so smooth,just gets destroyed in a jiffy.How do you even expect that it's that easy to apologize and leave.Dont you know you still have to work hard,to make things better.Why is it so hard to control emotions, specially when you already know you're the target.I should not be saying anything but this is really getting on my nerves.I know I'm not perfect, but I'm still a human unfortunately with a heart that can just let anything go ,even if that person has hurt you million times.I know the truth ,I know what's going on behind,but I choose to leave it to God.Let him handle it.Im doing my best and I will continue.I hope you realize you're mask is not really making a difference.
© dreamdarer19