

population control bill
Request to all indians

PM modi is sooner or late going to pass d population control bill, as india population is increasing ,bill is in his manifesto

So plz request to all muslims educate ur family,frnds, relatives abt precatious nd preventive measures of family control
Nd most imp ,plz dont connect dis bill with religion or with your shariyat as india is secular country not an islamic country,

so one rule for all indians
One country one law nd
Dont get influenced with mullanas
who used to tell u ,bacche jaida paida karo coz bacche allah ki den hain misguided uneduacted muslims with shariyat or muslims politicans will definately plan for other protest nd look forward for riots,
Jnu professors will start giving naare dat we wnt azaadi bacche paida karne ki,
so dont b part of Dirty protest nd dirty politics.

Plz forward dis msg to more nd more muslims to aviod riots nd maintain peace nd harmony for country.

Jai hind

© Geetika Gupta