

Only Hope
As I wondered through the dark mist ahead of me I couldn't help but wonder why they would think such things. My thoughts went wild then nothing, I woke up in my bed panting and covered in sweat. It had happened again, the dreams that i had dreamed weren't mine. I am a dream walker, I can enter the dreams of others and even change them. However I am the last of my kind, we were hunted by the government to be used for experiments just because we could do things that they cant't. But has the years went by I as the only one left forced to hide out of fear that I would be killed. My parents did everything they could to keep me safe, and they died on that rock. They told me to run, to escape, to find a place that expected people like me but I'v learned that no place like that exist. Every where you go there is death and discrimnation. I stand up and try to understand what I had just seen, I had entered the dreams of a boy that I didn't know. I change grab breakfast then turn on the TV to the news, but what I heard made me drop my plate causing it to smash to shatters. They had found a way to tell if you were normal or if you were dream walker, they were bringing around a device to every house to tell and then I hear a voices outside my house and then a pounding at my door. They were hear to test, I look around franticaly at something to do. I run into the next room and grab a bag, I shove things that I would need in the wilderness and has I as about to escape I stop and stare at the thing stitting on my desk. A picture of me and family before their death. Then there as a crash, they had broken through the front door. I grabed the picture frame shoved that too into my bag and jumped out the window leading into the woods behind my house. I run has fast has I can thround the woods looking around trying to find somewhere to go were I wont be found. I keeped running but started to run faster has I heared them, they had seen me leave and now were following. I ran so fast that my eyes couldn't keep up, I smack into something and before I know it I am tumbling down a long hill, then I hit the ground then darkness. When I woke up I was laying in a hollowed tree trunk, I find my way out to see a boy sitting next to a fire. He looks up at me then offers some food. I shake my head and ask him where I am. He tells me that we are in the woods, he says that he was running from government officals when he ran into me and sent us both tumbling down the hill. He then asks me what I was doing in the woods. "I was also running from the government" I say looking away. He asks me why and at first I was hesatent then again there was something in his eyes that made me trust him. "I- I'm a dream walker" he stares at me with a shocked look on his face "Now it's your turn. What were you doing running" I demanded. "I'm wanted for murder" he looks at me with a smirk on his face because now it was my turn to look at him with a shocked looked. "well we are both running and we could be both be a used to another, so what do you say we run away together" he says. "I- I dont even know your name" I say with an uneasy feeling. "Well how rude of me, I'm Ranger" he says standing up to shake my hand. I take it and agree to go with him mostly beceause of the fact that I dont want to be alone. "How about you?" he questions. "What" I say with a puzzled look, "Your name" he says a littled annoyed "umm ... Riley". THE END

© Julia storymaker