

She was desperate... No one was believing her and the truth was everyone expected her to shut up and bear the situation. Afterall this is what was told to her... Always keep smiling... Don't be rude... Look down... Don't talk loud... Wear appropriate clothing otherwise you can get raped... Don't talk back, they can hurt you... Always follow the rules... But what happened to her was something she did not deserve. And the one time she needed help and someone to believe her, everyone turned their back on her. They expected her to be the victim and live to tell the story while he would go through his life... She even considered killing herself once but then dying is an option but surviving is not...? She had enough of being treated like a doormat and she stood up for herself and said, " A skirt and a nice attitude is not an invitation!" She refused to be a follower but rather a leader... Will she get judge? yes. Will she have people telling her about how the society works? yes. But will be worth it? yes. She was a daughter, a sister, a friend, a fiancee but first of all she was a woman. Being raped is not okay...