

In the animal kingdom as famine struck.
The stomach groans.
The trees withered away.
The water dried up.
Once mighty king of the jungles who ruled the jungle.
Lay upon their belly weak, powerless and vulnerable.

The vultures came with their ugly head, looking robust and well fed.
They told of a land flowing with milk and honey.
And as we heard our heart leaps for joy.
We could do finally eat to our fills like the glory days.
We journey thousand of miles with our empty tummy.
As we journeyed we became fewer and fewer.
The vultures ate all the carcass .
And they grow fatter.
We grew leaner.
And has season past, we discovered there was no promise land it was all a lie.
It finally dawned us that we have been used as a fodder all this while by the vulture.
But it was too late already we had lost too many,in a foreign land and worst still we are still hungry.