

IT's ME -The Intro
In Everyone's life there is a story,
untold and hidden deeply within the heart.
With lot's of mysteries, questions,confusions and doubts
weather it is a reality or just a thoughtless thoughts.
We all are curious to know about it but
leading life makes us busier with
baits of future and our curiosity remains as a wishful wish somewhere forgotten
deep inside of us.
And no effort is made to think about it.
So what if someone is really eager
to know about themselves... their own story.
What if..the curiousity is given an effort?
What if..the one didn't fall for baits of future?
What if..the one strives for answers?
What if..the one fixes the puzzle of confusions?
Is all about a story of a girl named "Zara".

© Shajong_89