

Misunderstood Often
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Misunderstood Often?
Do you often feel misunderstood by others? Are you quiet at most social functions afraid if what might actually come out of your mouth?Afraid that noone will get and you be made fun of or looked at differently..Do you believe that people in general strangers and not Do they receive you the way you do?

I pose this question really trying to figure out if I was the only one..I’m sure not. Why do we feel like we constantly have to prove something?..In my personal opinion we kind of owe it to ourselves and each other. When others don’t agree with us we honestly can’t help where we went wrong.. Unfortunately Not everyone will have the same mindset as us..To be in such a way over violence be good for one another and be there for each by being good for society..Not everyone thinks like you and some may not even care to.

All for them ones display acts and verbal notes because they feel like in this world all they have are themselves?….What a lonely world filled with paranoia.

A certain ethnicity or culture is no longer the thing that matters..It shouldn’t but oh how we are are judged and fast as a person by others and who we are simply based off sometimes ethnicity..Maybe even also known as racism.

So again I ask why do we feel like we always have to prove something?

Yes, Still, to ourselves and each other..How is that you personally could be so misunderstood? With already made up minds how could one change the hearts of others..and let ones know we’re safe?

First of All, I have no degree in counseling.

First, Don’t spend too much time on trying to please everyone anyhow. Believe and know that everyone is in fact not like you…In doing this you will disappoint yourself..

To your children who wish for you and lose of gain from your actions and the ones you let in. You go about by acting like GOD invented something great..not something messed up because he didn't..Like the flowers and the trees..you in his image there is no beauty like you.

You tell GOD Thank You with every day you wake and show appreciation some more by being the best good you can be over evil…Never be ashamed of your creative side..there’s noone like you anyway.

Be not misunderstood by your speech for it is what comes out of the mouth on how you can tell ones of your kind of not. The inside of you will come out. Be not misunderstood by your actions..Do no hatm but take no crap ..

Do your best and work for what you desire and what you want so you don’t have to take and motivatr others to do the same. Let love come forth more than hate.

Misunderstood Often?

Know and believe this much is true some will and will want to not even try to understand you and you know what they have that right.. Noone here on Earth has your salvation. And it is your ownself that will determine whether or not you walk through the pearly gates..Not Anyone Else..Just GOD and YOU.

Misunderstood Often?

Well being a friendly car jacker I’m sure is frowned upon as well. So don’t have a pretty face with ugly ill-willed intent either…In each one of us..each one of us lies that same fire that’s in me..That’s in Christ so who is anyone to tell you what you can’t do and because of this there is absolutely no reason for hate.. So you walk in that own it..For I am The flavor of the Earth. Everybody in Everything Else pray.. Misunderstood do was Jesus..Let it not fret or stop you..

Imperfection at its finest
