

My weird trauma💔
my weird addictions began when I was 14.. I have always been a depressed kid who isn't afraid of anything, one time me and my aunt argued and I was left alone in the house crying, I went to the kitchen and wanted to end my life I took a knife and cut through the side of my face, it hurt so bad and the was blood flowing on my face, the weird thing was that I had gotten goosebumps and the goosebumps I got was a sought of pleasure.. I wondered what it meant but I couldn't understand it, I had to walk with a scar on my face for weeks and weeks... another time my aunt hit me for something I didn't do I was in pain I hated myself, so I took a razor blade and cut through my wrist cause I thought to myself if someone is capable of hurting me why shouldn't I hate myself and the pain it gave me was a different type of pain it made me forget about the pain I had inside and outside but I focused more on the pain it gave me, I secretly cut myself on my wrists every night untill my aunt found out and beat me up badly, she said if she saw me do that she would send me away to the police so I had stopped cutting my wrists and I cut my thighs and stomach untill my body was filled with marks but most of the marks I got was from the beatings I received... I met a friend in highschool who introduced me to drugs to help ease the pain, I got so hooked on them so bad I got numb such that my body was depressed, I lost so much weight and I had a hormone imbalance and my doctor put me on medication and anti-depressants after that I stopped doing drugs... but later on that year my aunt came home drunk and wanted to hit me with a metal stick so I run to the kitchen and hid there then I saw a knife pointing at me I took it and I wanted to end my life once and for all, but then I received a phone call from a guy I was dating at that time, I explained to him what was going on and he told me to leave the house, I left the house running he picked me up and that's how I left the house... I am now homeless but happy and just hopping for the best, I'll update you guys on the rest, if you want to know more, feel free to leave a comment✌️🖤
© Mofya