

Once upon a time in a big kingdom , the queen gave birth to a very beautiful girl child . The king was mesmerized to see his girl child . But during , giving birth to the girl child ... the queen couldn't survive . The king was very much upset after this . He named his girl child ~ Adama .

Time passed away , and Adama grew up . She was very beautiful , just like a fairy landed from the heaven . His father ~ King Crues , gave him all the love and care from her childhood . One day , some other kingdom captured Adama's kingdom . The Enemies , locked up King Crues in a big jail . The enemy king took Adama to his palace , and captured all the people living in the Crues Kingdom .

King Crues was very afraid seeing all this , and he was worrying about her daughter Adama very much . 19 Years ago , the Crues kingdom was the most powerful kingdom in their region . Nobody could be able to defend the Crues Kingdom . But , the kingdom who captured Crues kingdom , was just by a cheat . Then , the enemy kingdom made Princess Adama a maid of their castle . Adama used to cry all day for her father , and also she was missing him so much . She was also very uncomfortable , and also sometimes get very tired of working all day .

One day when she was watering the plants , The Prince of that kingdom passed by her . When he saw her the very first time , he was very much mesmerized to see her . He wasn't be able to agree this , that she is a maid of that castle . So , he called her . Prince ~ " Hey !! What are you doing ?? can you come with me in the jungle ?? " Princess Adama was very surprised to see the handsome Prince too . But she felt wierd , that why is he asking her to come with him in the jungle ?? Princess Adama replied ~ " Sure I will . But , why do you want to take me ?" Prince said ~. You can have a good ride with me !! sit on my horse , I will tell you everything" . She felt this weird , but then she sat behind the Prince on the horse and they went to the jungle .

After reaching to the jungle , the Prince asked her to sit on the tree branch . Princess sat down there , and asked ~ " What happened Prince ? why did you bring me here ? Is there anything to talk about ?" The princess asked very softly . The prince replied ~ " I just wanted to ask you something ...... Princess said ~ " Yes you can ask anything Prince , but what you want to ask about ?" The Prince replied ~ I wanted to ask you that , are you a Princess ??" Adama looked a bit confused with the Prince 's question .... so she replied ~ " Uhhh Uhhh ummmm ... of course I am not !! " Then the Prince catch up Adama's answer . He told ~ "No , you are a Princess . I know that you are lying because , my father's kingdom has forced you to . I have observed your habits , your way of talking and all that way which only a Princess can have . So you see , telling lying can doesn't change your truth . " In apologising voice , Princess Adama replied ~ "Oh my god ! I didn't had a bit of idea , that you will come to know all the truth about me .... I am really sorry for lying . But now what are we gonna do ?" Prince replied smiling ~ "Firstly , I have bought your real clothes , which you deserve to wear . Not these clothes .... so , wear it . I cannot see you in these maid's clothes ".

The Princess cannot believe , that the Prince has recognized her real personality . So then , she wore her clothes . When the Prince saw her in her real clothes , opened hairs and her natural beauty , he was mesmerized to see her . He falled in love with Princess Adama . But he couldn't say that now ...... So after he said to Princess Adama ~ " Waoo you look gorgeous in your real getup . So now , I think you shall stay in this Jungle . As it is not safe to be in the kingdom ". Princess said in this ~ " Yes I agree to you Prince . But how can I stay here for this night ?? I don't have shelter to live and also it is not safe here . " The Prince convinced to Princess Adama that he will make a tent for her . And although it is not dangerous to live here as compared in the kingdom . The Prince made a tent for the Princess and also promised her that , he will rescue her kindom and her father . The Princess was very happy listening this from the Prince .

Then , the Prince went with his soldiers to fight against his kindom and to rescue Crues kindom . He finally got succeed in his mission . He talked to his father about this all , and asked to apologize to Crues kingdom . Prince's father apologized to Crues kingdom . Adama was very impressed by the Prince . After then , they falled in love with each other , and they got married . And now they lived their peaceful life with each other .


story by ~ Jasmine Raghtate

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