

Chit chat with mind... self talk
Days that seemed to go on forever, and times when you couldn't find someone to talk to. Come up with a tale to go along with it.

The day when there is nobody to share their story with me, I think everybody is as busy as me. My mind has a memory case that holds records of my work with timeslots. Attending one after the other, hoping to finish the race on time to time.
In this workaholic world of mind, I keep
talking to self in my mind. if somebody shows interest to know me I give them the hints of whereabouts of my present thoughts. What I am held up with? What next will my timeline be....
It sounds to me pretty boring revealing my ordinary story, but some appreciate my work and the energy that I do it with.
But, being so blunt and straightforward of my activities, people know the truth about me easily. They assume there is nothing left more to know about me,because i would have said them already so much about me.

So,one must posses mystery,work silently, achieve the goals without measuring.the more secret the private life will be.The more
successful stories will align, nurturing the life. Speak to everybody what they like to listen and talk about.But take care to reveal less about yourself so that the setbacks in your life doesn't demotivate them to be your friend.