


It's very important to know...Who I am?
For what I born on this earth?
Everything is going to happen with me (whether it is wrong or right) actually why did happened?
Nobody knows how to live a life even I also don't know. But what I exactly know is
Nobody is going give a shit damn if you'll die. Then why we all live according to the society? Why people don't Understand that we all are here to live a life according to ourself. Unless and until they will put you on a ritual or something they have believe of what they are doing by on decades. I am the soul who wants to live a life. Yes, I here to live a life not worried about what other people think. we have a power and lots of source but we are unaware of it. If we know how to raise our voice then nobody will give a damn and you and me can live a life without any hesitation. yeah there are some difficulties which is so Difficult to come over it but there a new hope to see a new day and that dark night will end as a bad nightmare and then there will be the new raise of shine coming over your soul which heals your pain just like your painkiller and leave smile on your face.