

Frozen - 2010 (Thriller)
People usually mistaken this movie with the animated one. I would say this is an underrated hidden movie directed by Adam Green.
Actually the plot is very simple and straightforward which is, three snowboarders are stranded on a chairlift while riding up Mount Holliston. When the night lights suddenly go off, they either need to find their way down or freeze to death.
I put myself in their position which literally scared my shit of me. All of the actors give great performances; you can actually feel the characters' terror when they realise the severity of their predicament.
This movie will leave you on the edge of your couch or biting your nails! It makes you think of what you would do in any of those peoples situations. It's just awful, in a good way tho!
But yes, the plot is weak, but Some horror movies don’t need to overdo it to deliver. This movie balanced suspense and emotion very well.