

Dungeon Hunter
The parcel that had arrived today, contained an old key and a list of instructions to use it. I didn't know what it all meant but I was sure it had something to do with the mission ahead. I overturned the wooden box as something continued to perturb my thoughts that something was still missing. After finding out nothing new, I packed everything back in the box and carefully placed it in my sack and swung it on my shoulder. I unsheath my sword and saw it was as sharp as ever. I took up my pace and moved towards the dungeon. If i have been chosen for the death, so be it. Dying an honourable death is better than living in sham. I have never found a purpose since the pirates raid and have wasted so much time in the woods. This time around, I will make a difference. As I arrived at entrance of the jungle leading to the dungeon of doom an ere went through my spine, I shivered as a cozy wind brushed though my face, accompanied by scowling sound of unrecognised creatures. As i take my first step, I knew there was no going back. My fate is decided; my destiny ahead.
© Emjay/ The Soaring Eagle #TSE