

A night : Part 1
The streetlights were dim as the mist enclosed it in its mysterious grip. She peered out of her window into the darkness, was there someone out there or was it her imagination?
She pushed away those thoughts and nestled closer to Gen . She was warm . They were watching a movie of Gen's choice today . It was her turn to choose . She liked horror movies . Honestly , Natalie was creeped out by clowns , but she didn't tell Gen . She was happy , sitting here with her wife , after a long week , relaxing . Gen got up to get some coffee . Nat wanted to tag along . She couldn't stay away from Gen , even a second . Gen , kissed her and told her to stay there . she would return after some time . Nat changed the channel . She wasn't watching the movie alone . Then she heard the rustling of curtains . She looked back . No one was there . Damn ! These movies .
There's noise in the kitchen . Gen must have turned on the speakers . She liked rock music . Nat couldn't understand why . She smiled to herself . They had been married 2 months and all was good . They had been together for 5 years when last October Gen popped the question . Nat had immediately said yes . She was estatic . They had a huge wedding . Gen had looked beautiful in the white suit.
But it had been 10 minutes and still Gen hadn't returned . She got up to check on her .
When she reached the kitchen . She saw.......