

The Morning Whispered...
You should never eat Sweets
with a thought you might not get ever again !
Food can be eaten to live also can be a compulsion!
Why do you feel like eating sweet?
If there is some struggle you are avoiding them only within then only you will go for it.
But all the struggles are for our growth sprinkled by the universe.
If we take that as a learning opportunity, we will learn a lot!
And most of the times we make it tougher than it really is.
Don't go crazy, divide it into manageable chunks and work on each one at a time.
Eating 🧁= eating sugar, that can only increase your weight, which in turn will make the same task more difficult!
Because being human beings we can move mountains only if we restore all that energy from getting wasted on things we don't need to work upon. And for that even empty stomach support a lot!
As Sadhguru says it gives you more energy and there is a difference between hunger and empty stomach... look for the difference and experience it!

So it was about one compulsion called sweet/food.

You can apply to everything you do thinking you might not get a chance to do tomorrow!
We need to understand, may be tomorrow even if we get this opportunity or this food we won't like to have it or do it due to various reasons, specifically because we would be more happier. And happy people don't usually judge others, don't go for doing crazy things to be happy or feel content! Only desperate people go for it! If you are already happy and you know it, why would you go for doing something to become happy.

And we need to sometimes just sit and think, what can make us happier?

Can things, people or a position or some food can make you happier? No... although we try our best to extract the happiness for smaller period of time from that by forgetting our responsibilities and the work we need to put for that. Some people even try to make their work the reason of their happiness 😊

We need to understand, anything from which we try to extract happiness, making it a source is very limited... and it's a compulsion, even if it's not vodka but we are trying to make it a substitute to that!

Don't run away from where and who you are! Sit down and understand this now was never there, will never come again, all the situations you are in is part of living life. Be greatful to everything, even the problems, because they come to teach us great lessons!
And say thank you to the universe and be happy! Realizing that we are the happiest souls and that's why we have become humans instead of becoming any other animals or birds will give you utter satisfaction! We are not alone... this phenomena is completely wrong! Even if you are alone in a room, the universe is just giving you that space to work on yourself and be the best version of yourself 🥰 🙏

The universe is ONE ! It has just distributed itself into everything and watching itself through everything ! Being the universe within you itself, you are immensely capable of doing anything and everything ! And happiness is from where if you start living for no reason, it will multiply withina few days and if everything you do.... not to become happy but being happy will make a lot of difference in the same task!

Accept every situation as it is brought by universe to you for your goodness only, even if we don't know actually the purpose of it at this the given moment! And everyone your mind says is doing something wrong to you, consider as a great thing done by God for your well-being. And God had only come in disguise to check your happiness level and test you. Once you see Krishna or the universe playing itself through everyone and forgive, things will change in a complete different way. Don't let anything to disturb your peace of mind and make you feel less greatful to the universe! Just laugh on such situations and see... what a circus! Things repeats itself, situations repeats until we don't forgive and stop judging and get this insight by seeing it from outside that everything was and is done for us, for our goodness only!

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