

Letter to my followers.
Hi my Writco fam, its been a pleasure to address you as my extended fam because you are my motivators even when I feel low and hopeless your likes and comments makes my mood up. So keep on motivating me with your support.
I have been a part of few Anthology as a co- author and now for the first time I am compiling a own anthology called " Random Thoughts " . I am in need of writers and artist to complete my book . So you are preference for that , every budding writers can join up in this anthology and you can be a published author.
Every budding writers need a platform to showcase their creations and here is a opportinuty to publish your writings. If anyone who reads this is interested to publish kindly do a message to instagram account athisha_01 and I will let you know the procedure and other stuffs.
It will be a great fortune and pleasure if you join in the journey of success. Thank you everyone for support.
© Athisha