

Chrissy was bedridden. She was diagnosed with a rare definitive disease that left her immobile. She was paralyzed from the neck down. She can sit up for brief periods. She required content supervision and assistance.
We were born healthy. At age ten, she started falling for no reason. She thought she was just clumsy. One day she tried to get out of bed and fell. She could not stay stand up without getting dizzy. They called the ambulance. She was rushed to the hospital.
By the time they discovered what the pathology was, it was too late. She tried to use a wheel char. Even sitting made her way too dizzy. She had to stay in bed. To not have muscle atrophy she had physical therapy come in and so exercise. Due to indulgence, they were no longer able to have someone come in. Her parents and siblings would help. They made sure she did not develop bed sores.
She was close to her parents. She became dependent on her parents. They had to dress her and bathe her. They made sure she maintained good hygiene. It was hard to use the bathroom. She started to use diapers. They changed her diapers. It was not always easy .she could get dispersed and moody.
She got counseling. Her family got counseling as well. She did miss her old life. She tried to make the best of it. She had come into a new normal. then it changed again.

When she was 18, her parents were killed in a car accident. They were going on a date night. Her sister watched Chrissy so they could go. They rarely had time to themselves. They were on their way home. The other driver was distracted. They were killed instantly. They were pronounced dead at the scene.
Her sister Julie was bathing Chris when there was a knock at the door. Julie answered the door. She saw that it was a police officer. She opened the door. "hello."Julie said. "are you related to Paul and marry castle?" the officer asked. "yes! they are my parents!" Julie said. All of a sudden, Julie got worried. She knew something was wrong. "I regret to inform you that your parents were killed in a car accident ." the officer said.
Julie had no idea how to tell Chrissy and her younger siblings. She finished bathing Chrissy and dressed her in pajamas and a fresh diaper. She put her to bed. she could tell that something was up. "Jules! what's up?" Chrissy asked.
Julie tried not to break down. "Chriss, mom, and dad are dead. They were killed in a cat accident," she said. Chrissy started to cry. Julie held her sister.
Chrissy attended the funeral on a mobile stretcher. She had a bathrobe on. she rarely went out. She wanted to be there.
Chrissy's three brothers and two sisters went to live with their older brother Craig and his wife Craig. Craig had a son and Rachelle was pregnant at the time. Rachel. Was a stay-at-home mom who had a home business but focused on homemaking duties.
The house was left to Julie and Chrissy. Chrissy was put under the guardianship of Julie. Her aunt and uncles and grandparents helped out. Julie got married and had kids. They made an apartment for Chrissy. They employed a nurse who came in a few times a week. Julie's husband owned his own company. They were not rich but were well off.
They employed a home health agency to come in. Usually, it was the same nurse but on occasion, it was a random person. Some they liked more than others. Their house was a grand central station. people came and went all the time.
One night, Julie and Robbie went to bed. Chrissy was asleep. Their son was asleep. Julie was for months pregnant. They heard a knock at the door. "who would be at our door at this time of night?" Julie said.
Rob decided to check it out. He was wearing shorts. He threw on a t-shirt and went to the door. He saw that it was two police officers. He opened the door.
"We have a warrant for the arrest of Christina castle. "the lead officer said. Rob was confused. "for what?" he asked. "she is accessing unauthorized pornography. "he said. "is she here?" the second officer asked. "well yes. "rob said."bring her here! " the first officer said. "you don't understand. Chrissy is a bedridden invalid. She can't get out of bed. "he said.
Julie threw on a bathrobe and came down. "what's going on babe?" Julie asked. "they are here to arrest Chrissy!" he said. The officers went up the stairs and went to the bedroom.
"Chrissy. You need to wake up."Julie said. She wore a nightgown. She was groggy." you're under rest." the lead officer said. Chrissy was shocked. "officer, she can't stand up without falling. She is virtually immobile. "Julie said.
The lead officer had no idea what to do. The officer called his superior. "I executed the arrest warrant for miss castle. The problem is that she is a bedridden invalid. "he said.
They called an ambulance. They picked her up and put her on a stretcher. The officers insisted she is handcuffed. She was taken to the county jail. They fingerprinted her while she was on the stretcher.
She was taken to the infirmary. "hello chrissy I am nurse Melissa. I am going to part you in and search you!" she said. "I understand," she said.
She ran her gloved hands through her hair. She checked every part of her head. She checked her feet. She ran her hands through her toes. "Chris, I am going to take off your nightgown!" she said. She pulled off her nightie. She looked it over. She pulled it inside and out. A female guard was nearby. She observed everything.
She did not wear a bra. She was just in her diaper. Her diaper was full. She had wet herself. She checked her neck. She ran her hands down to her boobs. She checked her boobs.
Chrissy was beyond the point of humiliation. She had been poked and prodded by family and strangers for years. She could not bathe herself. Her mom, when she was alive, bathed and dressed her. Her sisters and aunts did the same. She was often naked in front of strangers. Stranger A touched her private areas.
She kind of liked having her boobs fondled. Much of her body was impervious to stimulation. Her boobs did respond to stimulation. She tried not to show signs of arousal.
She touched her belly button to her waist. She checked her legs. She had a guard turn her over. She checked her back and the back of her legs. The nurse laid out a waterproof pad and put it under her. "I need to take off your diaper," she said. She opened the diaper. The guard looked inside the diaper to make sure the diaper only had urine and or fecal matter. There was no contraband inside.
"I need to look inside!" the nurse said. She said it was ok. She took a flashlight and looked inside her hole. She did not do any contraband. She took her lived fingers and went inside. She was aroused. She tried to suppress it. It was not easy.
The guard looked on. The guard was convinced that she was in the clear. She peed during the exam. The pad absorbed the pee. She was given a fresh diaper. The diaper was industrial and was not as comfortable as the one she got from the medical supply company. It worked.
The nurse took her blood pressure. She checked her heart rate. She weighed her and measured her. She got various information. She was given a hospital examination gown. Her mugshot was taken in the infirmary. She was given an I.d bracelet.
She was kept in the infirmary. She did not notice a difference from being at home. She had to be fed by an inmate who was working as an orderly. The nurses kept an eye on her vitals.
The police had got a warrant to seize her computer and electronic equipment in the house. Her phone was confiscated and all phones were on the property. Crime scene experts were called in. The computer and phones were examined and scrutinized. Julie and rob did not believe that she accessed illegal material for a second. They were afraid that one of the medical contractors that came in might have used her computer for illicit activities. How would they prove that?
At her bail hearing, they brought her in on a stretcher. She was granted bail. Her sister and brother-in-law. Took her home. They got her the best lawyer in the state. The lawyer was convinced that he could crush this pretty easily.
They looked at her computer. They tore it inside out. The f.b.I forensic digital unit came in. They looked it over. There was nothing in the computer that was remotely questionable. They went through every deleted file.
They discovered a complex hacking scheme by an international cabal of human traffickers and distributors of illegal pornographic material. They used her cloud for their activities. It was clear that neither chrisy nor anyone in her house did anything wrong.
The charges were dropped. Her bail money was returned. The computer and phones were returned. No one had any interest in them. They removed all smart technology.
Julie and rob were worried about Chrissy. They were worried that this event would have a bad effect on her psychological health and well-being. They had her see a counselor. A psychologist made house calls in her case.
"How are you doing?"Dr.Laurie asks ed. I am ok. "she asked."that must have been pretty scary. Arrested, borough to jail. Ms handled. The d.o.c are not known of their bedside manner. "Laurie said. "it was not bad. It was kind of an adventure. Now that it's over, I am fine with it..it was scary at the toms because I did not know how it would end. I hate that they thought I was a sexual predator. The truth came out. I believe that the truth always does come out eventually. I did have my doubts but I am those beliefs were well founded now that I am on the other side. "she said.
"did you feel humiliated? I know you were frequently stripped and cavity searched" are observed. "anything I tell you is confidential right?" she asked.
"of course. I work for you. Nothing you tell me will love this room. "she assured her. "I kind of liked it!" she said, "how so?"Laurie asked. "I am a submissive. I get aroused by being cared for. I like being bathed and dressed. I find it hot. I like being infantilized." she said.
"It's not that unusual for someone in your situation. Much of your body can't be stimulated. Your private area can be stimulated. It is probably overstimulated. "she said.
"I have been fantasizing about it. "she admired. "your subconscious is trying to sort all this out. Arousal is a coping mechanism. "she said.
She decided to embrace the fantasy. she thought about it often. She tried to hide it from Julie. Julie knew but did not say anything. It was not doing any harm. She let it go.