

Which method of discipline do you prefer, soft or tough? Create a story about the query to back up your response.

Discipline has many parts it has to deal with when communicating about it in the outside. Self discipline and parental discipline commissions our minds most.
When considering parental discipline a softer hand should be taken first because tough handling can cause adverse hurt to the children . Making them look inferior into their selves and that feeling of depression pops up. Where i come from tough handling doesn't go without the vulgar words. But this is a condition for when both parents stay.

In some cases it may be a single parent and soft hand can be used at all ;the children being one,two or even more irrespective of the number in order to be able to control the children as if the two parents were alive.

Over and above, Discipline cannot be preferred but rather watched upon when it would be funtional and whem to lower the strike

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