

Chapter 6: New Beginnings
As Emily and Alex took a break to think about their future together, Emily found herself struggling to cope with the distance. She missed Alex terribly and couldn't help but wonder if their relationship would ever work out.

It was during this time that she met a new guy named Jack. He was kind, funny and charming. He made her laugh and helped her to forget her worries for a while.

They started hanging out more and more, and before she knew it, she found herself developing feelings for him. It was a confusing time for Emily, she had always thought that her future was with Alex but now she was starting to see a new possibility with Jack.

She knew that she needed to talk to Alex about it and tell him how she felt. It was a difficult conversation, but she was honest with him and told him about her feelings for Jack.

Alex was hurt by the news, but he understood. He knew that Emily deserved to be happy and he wanted her to find someone who could be there for her, especially during the difficult times.

Emily felt guilty for hurting Alex but at the same time, she knew that she needed to explore her feelings for Jack and see where it would lead.

It was a new beginning for Emily, and she was excited to see what the future held. She knew that it wouldn't be easy, but she was ready to take the next step and see where her heart would lead her.