

Never-ending love
You are the moon..
I'm the ocean..
We are far apart..
But our journey is never-ending..
Our love is everlasting..
You are my moon..
and I'm your ocean..
My ocean heart is never asleep..
I always try to reach you how far you rise..
My love increases with the waxing of your moon globe..
I'll be calm with your wanning smile..
I'm not known with your disappearance..
I glow under your light..
I dance under your spotlight,
By splashing water to dried soul,
By spreading air to every being..
You give light to the darkness..
I give life to every existence..
You are love..
I am music..
You are lyric..
I am the voice..
Together we are a magical story which is unheard..unseen and untold..
© Hana