

Have you ever fallen in love with your friend?
Yeah I know,you must have tried really hard to not let that happen but still couldn't stop urself..
And u know what,the most tough part is that you can't show your feelings to him because then,things will get pretty ugly.So you carry on with that "friends image".You even sometimes start behaving rudely with him,to escape from your own feelings.But at night,those hidden feelings strike you real hard,making you realize that you don't even mattered to him.He just feel pity for you, maybe that's why he's talking to you.You are scared to tell him anything, because you know, he'll make fun of it or maybe he'll stop talking to you or he'll start neglecting you.SO,you start keeping it to yourself.You are scared to lose him,even with the slightest bond that you shared with him.Aren't you!??
And that's how a over thinker spends all her nights,thinking about him.Hard,right? But it is what it is.She loves him without making him realize,and herself too💔
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