

Tears 2
"is that your dad?" Lucy asked breaking the spell that  froze us  the moment we heard my dad's voice

"Shhhh" I wispered, placing a finger on her lips

"You need to hide Lucy"I said standing up totally confuse

"But there is no place to hide in this room" she wispered, fear written all over her face

I could make out my dads  footsteps as he climb the stairs two at a time

"The door" I said almost shouting

"You want me to go out of the door?" she asked giving me her, are you damn kidding me look

"No, I mean hid behind the door" I said

She ran behide the door making sure to stay closely to the Wall, just then my dad Open the door nearly crushing her nose

"You" my dad said pointing at me

"we have a guest, I need u down stairs now" he said looking pass me into the room

I immdately moved to the door and stood close to it blocking any view my dad might have, he walked into the room suspiciously  looking  at me, he looked around unsure of what he was looking for.

I could  fill chills running  down  my spine, he immidately turn and left the room in a hurry.

I shut the door and turn to Lucy

"I need to go" I  said breathing heavily, she nodded I could see sweat  running down her nose, I was sure she thought we we're going to get caught.

I hugged Lucy and turned to leave,  I knew  if I did not go down that momemt I was going to get it hot after our special  visitor leaves

Closing the door and heading down stairs, i took the stairs  two at a time and just then I saw her


Her hair was dropped  down to her face, not the normal style we were used to seeing. she always  packed her hair  in a bond with her black ribbon.

She smiled and said something to his ear which made him laugh, I was thrown into a complete state of  shock.

its been years I saw my dad smile more or less laugh out loud, and the very fact my teacher was the cause  of this evil beast laughter was something CNN  needed to capture.

"What was she doing in our house?" I asked myself, maybe she came to report the incident between Susan and I, my mind began it's work on its own,  thinking of various excuses and  reasons why Miss Jupiter our new English teacher was in my house, talking to my dad, dressing really sexy and making him laugh.

I took the last step stopping every movement  and discussion  they were having, Miss Jupiter turned I could see the shock  in her eyes.

"Hannah" she said

"What are you doing  here? "she asked more like a question then a statement

"This is my damn house and that's my dad the devil himself, what are you doing here laughing with Hades" I imagined myself shout those words but knowing the consequences I held my tongue

"Good afternoon miss Jupiter" i said

"You know each other?" My dad asked I could read the confusion in his voice

"She is my English teacher " I said

"And she is my student" she said turning to him

"you told me you have a daughter, but  you never told me Hannah  is your  child for Christsake david"

She called him david and he is doing nothing about it wow, where did my dad go?,

"Funke can you please leave us, " my dad said

"Yes sir," I said turning to leave

"Hannah?, can you please  stay" miss Jupiter  said, I turned  and saw my dad standing behind her, he nodded

"ok ma"

"i want you to take me to your  kitchen let's cook, what happened  to your head? "she asked giving me her normal good morning  student to teacher smile and a very curious  look

"I  fell but am ok now" I lied with a wide smile on my face.

It felt odd having a woman  in our kitchen, she closed the door and turned to me

"Am sorry, I didn't know he is your dad, I just...... "

"Its ok ma" I said cutting her short

"Can you please stop the ma and call me Jupiter "she said smiling

"Yes ma, sorry Jupiter "

"Its ok" she said laughing

"Hannah, I'm seeing your dad"

"Like dating?"

"If you want to call it that, then yes"


"You don't have to say anything, I know its going to be hard but I really like him, I know  you are used to having  him to yourself but if you give  me a chance... "

"Its ok ma" I said cutting  her short if only she knew who she was dating I thought, just then we hard a loud bang and rushed to the sitting room.

Daddy was not there, I immidately took the stairs running  to my room

The door was wide open and  Lucy was on the floor....

"Lucy, Lucy you need to wake up" I said shaking her, and pulling at her dress as fear builds up in my chest

"She's not breathing" miss Jupiter  said her voice shaking

"Go get your dad Hannah "

I move my hand to check her purse, I couldn't believe what I heard

"Go fucking get your dad Hannah" Miss Jupiter screamed

I immedately  stood up and ran to my dad's room, there was no sign of him, I ran down stairs  he was not in the sitting  room either, I run to the kitchen where I found my phone and dialed the  Nigeria emergency  number, the lady on the phone asked  for the emergency  at hand and my house address which i give her with a shaking voice.

I took my phone and ran upstairs to meet miss Jupiter  crying at the door, I pushed passed her and walk to where  Lucy was laying down slowing.

Just then I heard the sound of an ambulance, miss Jupiter  run down stairs. I kneeled  down close to Lucy and kissed her forehead, praying  she stop the  joke and live for me.

Men in white stormed my room moving me away from her, they covered my view and tried  to restore life to my friend

I felt weak, sick and stupid, everything became blur, the whole world started turning as I fainted


"So you see, " I said smiling at the woman sitting in front of me

"That's my story, I'm  just a 13 years old girl, with no mum, i have been bulled by my mate cause of my small structure, the man I called dad molested me, killed my best friend and has been sentenced to death by hanging, I have nothing.... I have no where to go to, this pain in my heart cannot be healed" I said staring at the beautiful lady

"What if I take you  home?" she said calmly

"Home, I don't have a home I'm afraid"

"You do Hannah, if you want you can come stay with me and leave this orphanage, it's  your choice "

"Can I think about it for a day or two?" I asked

She nodded and stood to leave smiling.

Just  then I decided its time to go home, not earthly home with a total stranger but to my creator...., Life is so fucking hard and I sure want to explain that to him when we meet.

Authors note

hey guys, to answer your questions, yes Lucy died and Hannah killed herself

it's sad but kids are going through this round the world......