

Chapter 2
I can feel Naruto's hand shakeing like it was going to explode any moment. "Calm down. Are you sure you know how skate?", I asked him. He has been shaking ever since I told him where we were.
"Yes I know how to skate. I am just uh nervous.", he looked down at his feet. He turned really red like a tomato. I laughed and said " Okay. So how about you tell me about yourself." "W-well...I am a 15 year old, who is in high school, hates going to school, have no parents, and I love Ramen.", he spoke in a soft voice. He must be really, really nervous. Maybe I should tell more about me so that he feel more at ease. "Hmmm...well I am also 15 years old, also in high school, but I am going to move though. Like going swimming, art, music, and.. I also don't have any parents or at least I used to." I looked straight ahead. " What happened to them?", he asked. I looked into his sparkling saphire eyes that could make me look into them forever. Maybe.........that..is not a bad thing." My brother, Itachi, found them outside in our garden. There was blood all over mother and father. And wooden stakes seem to have exploded in their insides.", I can feel Naruto's hand squeeze mine." I am sorry.", he squeezed my hand even tighter. I stopped us from skating and looked at him."Don't be. It wasn't your fault that they are dead. It's mine. I went into the human's village when I wasn't suppose to and they followed me."
"Don't blame yourself Sasuke. You were only a kid when it happened.", he smiled. I smiled back. "By the way what kind of vampire are you? Cause I barely see any vampires with blue eyes. ", after I said that his hands started to shake again. " Uh well...I uh...I am..-", a noise interrupted him. We both looked at were it was coming from. We both stared at the Black bushes as it shakes. A small figure jump out. Naruto screamed and fell on top of me. The figure had a purple fur, violet eyes, and ears like a rabbit, but a body of a squirrel. It ran to the side of us and looked at us curiously, then it ran off into the forest. " Ha ha that was just a Bibilo. ", I started to laugh more. Remembering how he screamed. " It is not that funny Sauske." he got off of me and help me up. " I really need to get home.", he said. " Okay scaredy cat." he crossed him arms and shouted " I am not a scaredy cat!!". He made a grumpy five year old face. " I just..uh got...a...a little spooked. That's all." I laughed. "Okay. You can tell where you live. But first, let's talk some more.", I smiled mischievously and grabbed his hand again.

Hey guys sorry if this is a little short. I am a little busy. And yes this fanfiction. Please let me know what you think. And should I do chapter 3?