

that cold night
the moon was bright as I woke up. dazed and confused I tried to figure out where I was. how, I thought to myself as i look around. I'm sure I fell asleep in my bed. I tried to get up but I couldn't it was almost like I had been dr@gged. My whole body was shaking. It could have been from the fact that I was dr@gged or that it was wet all around me. There were so many thoughts going through my head. How did I get here? Who put me here? As I sat there I woke up a little bit. It may be have been because I was freezing! I was finally able to stand after what seemed like hours. As I stood up I felt pain. My legs felt like they had been crushed. Did I fall? I beared the pain and was able to feel around. Am I in a whole? Suddenly I smelt a weird smell. It smelled like copper. Ugh! I remembered thinking. That's when I was really able to understand the situation I was in. This could be dangerous. All I knew was I was freezing and didn't know where I was. If I had my phone on me it surely wouldn't work anyway. That's when I decided to look up and for the first time I realized what I was. I'm in a well? That's when I really began to panic. The nearest well to my house was an hour away. As my eyes adjusted I could see what I was wearing. I was wearing the same outfit as the night before. Me, Isabelle, and Chloe went out that night. We just went dancing and then went home. Same ol, same as every other weekend. So how did I end up in a well and are Chloe and Isabelle ok? Since I couldn't find a way out I decided to sleep until morning. Luckily I had a hoodie on. As the sun come up I began to wake. I heard a noise above the well. Help, help I tried to yell but my voice was hoarse. Luckily someone looked down and saw me. Huh? he said. There's a girl in this well. About an hour later there was a chain dropped down and I was going up. I felt relieved but not for long. As they put warm blankets on me and started to ask me questions. They asked my name, age, and where I'm from. Then they told me the part that made my heart drop. We found both of your friends in near by wells. Neither of them survived. We did find a fingerprint on Chloe's wrist that didn't belong to any of you. Your parents are on the way to pick you up. We will question you more at the station. I barely heard him say that. My friends are dead?? If I ever find out who did this I will kill them. As I sat in tears, waiting for my parents, my only thought going through my head was, who could do this and why? Maybe someone at our school had a grudge? Maybe someone at the club? The only thing I was hoping at the time was they caught the person before they could do this again! My parents showed up and took me to the station. They questioned me for what seemed like an eternity and let me go home but I didn't feel safe. I wouldn't feel safe again until they caught them I laid on bed that night and cried. My friends are dead. I was finally able to doze off around four in the morning. I was awakened by the new phone my parents got me. It was the police. Is this Hannah Mainwell? Yes, I replied nervously. We matched a the fingerprint to someone from your school named Leo Hamilton, We have him down here for questioning can you meet us down here. Ok, I replied and hung up. Leo? I felt sick. I knew him. We used to be friends. Me and him got into a big fight. His friends we're being mean to my friends but I didn't think he would do something like this. I sighed as I got out of bed. I didn't want to see the face of the person who may have killed my friends. As me and my parents arrived I saw him. The red headed boy who I always thought was a good person. He looked at me angrily. As I sat down with them he started talking, I did do it but I know who did. They found your fingerprint on her body. He continued saying it was my friend. He hated y'all and I did too but I didn't plan for him to kill y'all just to scare y'all but the plan back fired. He did what he wanted as always. As I sat there listening my eyes began to water. I heard him confess to wanting to scare us but not to kill us. The cops told him that even though he may not have wanted them to die he was still a part of the crime and would still get the same punishment. A few weeks later was his court trial. I remember sitting there watching him confess but not his friend. His friend just stared at me. The judge started telling them their sentences. Leo, due to evidence we found you will be sentenced to fifty years without the possibility of parole. We have lowered your sentence for your plea. Jake, due to evidence we found you are sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. You two have taken two lives so your sentenced to the max. As the judge slammed his hammer Jake yelled, it should have been three. As he said that I started crying. When they were taken away the nervousness, sadness, and anger I felt didn't go away. I don't think it will for a while. Today are their funerals. I will forever be sad they're gone but at least they're together. After the funeral I went to my room and started writing a letter to Leo. I wrote about how sad, angry, and afraid I was. Dear Leo, You have hurt me in so ways. Not only what you did to me but you took away my two favorite people. I will forever be sad, angry, and afraid because of what you did. I guess it's true what they say, you can't judge a book by its cover.
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