

A dreadful night

The cry was faint but I heard loud and clear it as I walked past the dark bushes. My steps faltered. It was late and I wasn’t sure if it was a smart thing to stop and inspect the source. I was in a dilemma whether I should proceed or run away. (I was returning from my office, on the way home I heard these strange voices. My office was located in the outskirt of the city). Generally, these kinds of setups are made to trap people. On one hand, I was terrified on the other hand I was thinking about the person’s suffering.
I was struggling to decide whether to go or not, but my inquisitive and helping nature forced me to proceed.
With trembling steps, I started following the voice. I was terrified but still mustered the courage to know the truth. As I started venturing, the forest seemed to grow thicker and denser. The musty air was difficult to breathe. A pungent odor hung off everything. In the dense shadow, spiders clutched their snare strings. I think the forest was primordial. Centuries-old trees with sprawling limbs guarded the darkness. It was truly a place to make your veins freeze over. I kept ongoing deep in the forest but was unable to find the origin of the moans. After following the voice for almost an hour still, it seemed to be far away. I was petrified and blabbered to myself ‘why I came here, why I was trying to be a heroine’.
Sometimes I felt someone was following me from behind. I was having an eerie feeling, I wanted to go back, but I had no option other than proceed forward as I lost the way. It was midnight , and I was stuck in the middle of the forest.
After proceeding further I saw a small house amidst the woods. I understood the moaning sound was coming from that very house. The clicks of bats, the strange voice of animals, and moaning sound were making it a perfect horror movie scene.

I came close to the house, my feet were heavy, and I was not able to enter the house. As I stood, gazing at the dilapidated house. I shivered as though ice had replaced my spine. The cold air enveloped my entire body. The walkway leading up to the house was cracked. Weeds poked out from the cracks.
The moonlight cast a ghoulish glow on the house.
Cobwebs covered the corners of the doors, tiny black spiders threading towards their prey. The house was fit for the king and queen of the supernatural.
The house was dead silence except for intermittent creaks and moans.
I mustered courage and entered the living room. Windows were covered with the dirt, the moonlight struggled to penetrate the darkness.
I said — ‘Who is there, why are you moaning?’
I didn’t get any reply and the moaning continues.
I can see sharp shadows roaming in the other room. I thought someone must be there. I said again
‘Kaun hai?’ still no reply.
I was shivering due to fear. I was rattled and said in a trembling voice ‘are Bhai Kaun ho Kuch bolo’.
There was dead silence except for the moaning sounds.
I can still see shadow roaming in the house. I entered the room. As soon as I entered someone pushed me from back and I fell off.
There was nobody in the entire house, my heart started beating faster. I was trembling. Suddenly I saw an eerie figure in the shadows. I was dumbstruck at the sight, the figure started to move towards me. I saw a hazy structure that almost killed me. I screamed on top of my voice and the figure vanished in the air.
Now I understood where I am stuck in and what all was about. I got up and started running away from that place in light’s speed. I had no idea where I was heading but kept on running. I felt that the eerie figure followed me. I can feel its presence behind me. Suddenly my feet were stuck, as if an unknown invisible force was holding it. I tried alot to get away from its clutches,but was unable to. I started chanting hanuman chalisa in trembling voice.In addition to this, some dogs started chasing me.I don't know what happened, suddenly I was able to run,I kept on running, on the way I saw a tree and climbed it to save myself at least from dogs.

I was trembling and my throat was almost choked. After some time I got down from the tree and started running again. After hours of struggle, I saw a village. The village seemed to be a 'drop of water on a parched throat'. I went to the village and sought villagers to help. I narrated the whole story.
They told me that I was lucky enough to escape.Many people who went there never returned. That part of the forest was a crematorium and was haunted. After the sunset, no one dares to go there. Every night strange voices were heard but no one dares to go there.
From the villager's help, I reached my home and narrated the entire episode to my family. It took quite long for me to get out of that incident’s after-effects. From that very day, I don’t dare to explore an unknown place. And I try to complete my work till the evening.

© Shwetasingh29