

Nature your are our best friend 😊.
One day when I was confused and sacred of problem and had so many questions related to life . I just went outside to relax my mind and started to saw around where I found one bird whose nest had just fallen because of strong wind which had camed the day. It was every sad but after some time it started to build nest for once again. It will go around and search for dry twing and come back with a twing in its mouth hoping to build best this time. Slowly slowly it started to work it's best efforts. From that day I started to observe that bird daily. The day came when bird completed it's nest completely and was ready to face strong wind once again. On next day after building the nest completely wind came with full speed and having strongness in it. But after a week's of hardwork of little creature made that nest more better , stronger and safer than the previous one. That day I realize problem don't come to make us sad it come to make us strong but we human just think why they arrive in our life ?
But we forget that each and every problem is a step which makes us stronger than ever before when we move ahead one more step.
If problems comes we need to find the solution instead of thinking about it more because more we think more we fall deep on it.
If we see around nature animals do not run away from problem but they react in positive way and gets their solution.
Yes sometimes we get trapped and think there is no way to go out of it but just remain calm and just think problem for once and solutions for more than a times you will get thousands of way and definitely you will get rid of your problems happily forever.
And yes be with nature you will feel better as it is our friend but we fail to recognise it .
So love nature more with smile.
© learn lesson from life