

Red or Blue?
Sarah and Lily, two intrepid adventurers, bravely strolled through the abandoned town, undeterred by the ghostly tales and eerie sounds that surrounded them. They had heard rumors of a hidden treasure buried somewhere in the ruins, and they were determined to find it. They had spent months preparing for this expedition, studying maps, legends, and histories of the town. They had also brought along some equipment, such as flashlights, ropes, knives, and cameras. They were confident that they could handle any challenge or danger that came their way.

The setting sun painted the sky with streaks of red and blue, casting a foreboding atmosphere over the desolate landscape. The town looked like a scene from a horror movie, with crumbling buildings, broken windows, and overgrown weeds. The air was thick with dust and decay, making it hard to breathe. The girls felt a chill run down their spines as they walked past a sign that read "Welcome to Hell".

But the girls were driven by a relentless determination to achieve their mission, ignoring the whispers of danger that echoed around them. They had a strong bond of friendship and trust, forged by years of shared adventures and experiences. They knew each other's strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes, fears and hopes. They supported each other through thick and thin, always ready to lend a hand or a shoulder. They were more than friends; they were sisters.

With every step, their footsteps reverberated off the decaying walls, creating an unsettling atmosphere of emptiness and abandonment. The only sound they could hear was the pounding of their hearts, a steady percussive beat of courage and self-belief, masking the fear that lurked beneath the surface. Even though they were scared, they refused to admit it.

"Are you sure this is the right way?" Lily asked nervously as they turned a corner.

"Of course I'm sure," Sarah replied confidently. "I've memorized the map like the back of my hand. We're almost there."

"Where exactly are we going?" Lily pressed.

"To the old church," Sarah answered. "That's where the treasure is supposed to be."

"The old church?" Lily repeated skeptically. "That sounds like a trap."

"Don't be silly," Sarah scoffed. "It's just a building. What's the worst that could happen?"

As they walked, they spotted a shadowy figure in the distance. Draped in a dark cloak and sporting long claws, the figure let out guttural noises, more animal than human. The girls' hearts raced as the ominous silhouette drew closer, sending shivers down their spines.

"AH! W-what is that?" Lily gasped.

"I don't know," Sarah whispered.

"Should we r-run?" Lily asked.

"No," Sarah said firmly. "We can't let it scare us away. We came here for a reason."

"But... But what if it's dangerous?" Lily argued.

"Then we'll fight it," Sarah declared.

The girls gripped their knives tightly as they faced the approaching menace. They tried to look brave, but inside they were terrified. They had never encountered anything like this before.

The figure stopped a few feet away from them, revealing its hideous features. It had a pale face with sunken eyes, a crooked nose, and a mouth full of sharp teeth. It had long hair that covered most of its body, except for its hands and feet which had claws instead of nails. It smelled like death and decay.

It stared at them with a malicious grin, as if it was enjoying their fear.

"Who are you?" Sarah demanded.

"I am the guardian of this town," the figure answered in a raspy voice.

"W-what do you want from us?" Lily asked.

"I want to play a game," it said.

Their breaths hitched in their throats as they struggled to determine who or what was speaking. The girls couldn't see anyone, only a creeping sense of dread that festered like a disease. Fearfully, Sarah whispered,

"A game? What kind of game?"

"A game of life and death," the figure replied.

The girls trembled as the voice grew more menacing. They looked everywhere, but all they could see was a thick, enveloping fog that descended upon them. Suddenly, a ghastly figure appeared amidst the haze.

"Red or blue," the ghoulish figure growled. "Choose your fate."

The girls' eyes darted around as they tried desperately to grasp the meaning behind the cryptic challenge. Time passed in a blur as they struggled to make sense of the bizarre situation. Yet,

despite all the omens warning of impending doom,

they didn't want to give up their lives so easily.

They looked at each other for support, hoping to find a way out of this nightmare.

They knew they had to make a choice, but they didn't know what it meant.

They wondered if it was a trick...

or a test of their will.

They wished they had never come here...

or that they could go back in time.

But they knew it was too late,
and they had to face the consequences.

"Red!" Sarah cried out impulsively.

"Blue," Lily countered cautiously.

The ghostly figure smirked as it vanished into the fog, leaving the girls with a terrible feeling of uncertainty. The colors pulsated around them, red and blue blending into one another, creating an inexplicable tension that set the hairs on the back of their necks on edge. They realized too late that they had made a fatal mistake.

Suddenly, everything around them shook violently, with a terrible rumbling sound emanating from beneath their feet. The walls of the building started to buckle, and the girls clutched each other in terror as they were swallowed up in an ominous, impenetrable darkness.

Their fate as adventurers was sealed, trapped forever in a vicious cycle of life and death. The ghostly voice spoke once more, chillingly,

"You played the game and lost. You are mine now, forevermore."

The girls' bodies were never found, and the townspeople whispered dreadfully of their fate. Every time they recounted the story, they couldn't help but think of the colors red and blue, two symbols of the adventurers' tragic end...

© Jolly