

One For The Road
The beginning of the end and the end of the beginning meet halfway just as time starts. No one knows the meaning of life. We all just live in it. One mistake and one good deed can be the balance. We are all looking for the light in the dark. The majority are seeking a sign like driving on the highway.

Any journey must be plan and sought before started. Like a general and his men plotting their next move on the battlefield. Foresight is the greatest gift given to man. Trenches must be built in the event of an attack. Sometimes you have to look from a elevated platform to get a clearer picture.

The beginning of life can also be view as death and the end of an old one. War is never over. Periods of peace unfold exposing the cost of it all. In between, is just a time to recognize a new adversary, making allies with your opponent. My friend may very much present itself as an adversary of my opponent. That's your golden egg.