

Systems: Gilbar Civilization Intro
On a planet far away, refugees from a doom Solar System filled with various different people and species landed and formed their own civilizations. one of these civilizations is Gilbar.

For this nation, Gilbar is the short name. It's full name is Gilbar Finances. Named after the founder of one of the nation's most prosperous businesses, Taboline Gilbar, the country is run as a bankocracy: a government where banks have massive influences on public policy.

The second largest and most famous is Gilbar, but anyone with stock in any of the financial organizations has a say. This oligarchy is wealthy in energy and raw materials, which it uses to prop up the country’s business interests and community. The economy is also backed by a very flexible information economy with an emphasis on data security. Nearly any electronic data that goes to Gilbar stays in Gilbar with little to no issue.

This powerful market economy is backed by a system that, while profit driven, still shows some care for its citizens. Healthcare is given to all who work in Gilbar as a basic commodity and grants are provided to members of the lower class so they can be free to create their own businesses. Public transportation is also an important feature of the country, leading to even the biggest detractors of the country to say ‘The trains always run on time in Gilbar’. The entire structure of the nation is built around a single city-state that expands its holdings through a series of districts that expand outward in a near perfect circle. This design makes it much easier to create effective transportation to and from the nation’s capital from anywhere in the country.

As part of the nation’s philosophy, people are always expected their end of a deal or bargain. Even the wealthiest man in Gilbar can quickly turn himself into a pariah by not upholding his end of a contract & those who breach agreements - no matter how small - are rarely ever forgiven by a citizen of Gilbar. We will hear more about the exploits of the wealthy populace of Gilbar in the coming days...
© Tyler W. McFadden