

Finding home
Ivory got to the beach house about 9 Saturday morning. Dr. Corey wasn't there or so they thought that gave Ivy the opportunity to talk freely. I think I should stay at a hotel until I find my own place she said. Sis you can stay at my place Ivory said but what's wrong with this? There's nothing wrong this it's wonderful I love it here I think I'd like to find a beach house here. So what's wrong? I don't know here I am fresh out of the military not being able to control my emotions she said.
So you're attracted to Dr. Corey Sis he's a man not something horny not being able to control his lust. Coming in Dr.Corey heard the entire conversation. Dr. Corey Ivory said
Dr. Jones. He walked over to the sofa sat down and crossed his legs. Looking at Ivy said
if you going to let lust control how you live love has no bearings on you. Im not looking for lust and I'm not going to let it control me. What? you so military that you need to be told what to do you're a woman not a solider. At this point Ivory walked out not even saying a word.
We haven't even known each other a week and yeah I'm feeling the same as you. Hell Ivy I've been making love to you since I first met you that's what you're feeling. This don't happen everyday lust don't control you. Ivy looked him in those eyes, you think I would want you because you look good? Yes, I am a woman that's not it she said lust don't even come into play not on this one.
A woman knows better unlike a child a childish mind. Instinct, Ivory said walking back in and just shook his head at the both of them. I'm not in this you two gotta work this out. Hey man we're going car shopping wanna come.
No, I gotta go home change out these clothes for next week. How long are you here for Ivory asked. To Wednesday if everything goes well. That baby weighted only 3 pounds and she's going to be a hellcat her mom named her Strength man it's amazing what love can do. We put that baby in her arms and she'll only put her down to eat and nesserceries.
She's gaining weight on love man that's why I love my job Dr. Corey said. I'll get back on Monday and on call until Wednesday.

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