

New moral - Same Old Story
Father and son went to forest. Son has screamed "tiger tiger " and his father rushed to him and surprisingly son was laughing and he told just for fun.
Then father went to search wood for his livelihood and asked his son to rest under a tree. Son has again screamed Tiger Tiger .This time father doesn't want to go but what if it is true so he went and he realised that his son is doing it for fun again. He suggested him not to do fun and his son nodded head that he won't do. Again father went and this time TIGER has come to which son screamed tiger tiger but this time his father didn't come.

If father has believed his son once more even after knowing that he would be lying he would have had his son.

His son happily went but the pain is for father right.

The moral we already know is that don't tell lie because if you do that ur truth will not have any value.

The New moral is that we can't judge anything as truth or lie based on past experience

Moral: If you have believed 100 lies , you believe 101 th one also because there is no guarantee that one who says 100 lies will not tell truth at all.

In real life we believe cheaters and after that we don't believe even worthy candidates

© Niranjan Sunduri