


*“…you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things” (Mathew 25:23).*

*Being faithful over a few things and relying upon God will bring holistic blessings from God. It is essential that you should be faithful to God even if it is going to be a minor thing.*

*Once a man noticed the famous artist “Michael Angelo” drawing out a picture. When the man came there on another day, he was unable to notice any visible advancement in the drawing. He asked the artist, “Why are you sitting idle? Why didn’t you make any progress in your drawing?”*

*The artist replied, “I have been working day and night on this drawing. Didn’t you see that? It takes one full day for me to work on the nail of the man whom I draw. Sometimes, my concentration moves towards the ear of the man and I work hard for it to come out in good shape. Then, it takes a few hours for me to take care of the facial expressions of the man.”*

*The man was surprised and asked why the artist was wasting his time on these minor things. The artist replied, “I am not wasting my time. Only when we deal such small things with great care, the drawing attains perfection.”*

*You are moving forward towards achieving perfection in Christ. You can leap and achieve perfection only if you handle even the minor issues with utmost care. There is a purpose for God to keep you in your work spot. Yes. You have to be faithful over a few things, make use of the talents which God has given you and bring glory to God.*