

Pain & Understanding
The world is just a simple object, with a perplexing shape. It carries marvelous and mysterious things in it, things like beings for instead. Let's take a trip to this marvelous layers towards a solid surface called UNDERSTANDING

According to our lack of understanding, we think that revolution is the future, but the future is your own action which is the production of your tomorrow. It's simple physics, your actions are your reactants and your future is the product. Understanding can't be achieved or claimed, but it can be made. Understanding is a cell division, once within your grasps it'll make things better and make more clarification towards your aim.

The reason we don't succeed it's not because we aim to high and miss, it's because we aim to low and hit. A good aim towards something is clear understanding


The pain of falling in love all alone in a containment, it's suffocating and will leave you breathless. Your mind thoughts fade until you are left thoughtless, it's a painful perpetual feel

Like a memory, it's not easy to just forget how it felt. No pain is greater than the other, you just haven't felt what they felt. To give your all I love is no simple task, you fail, fall, regret, overthink and still leave space for pain

Pain is an uncontrollable psychological emotional feel which is only illustrated by your brain, an effective illusion psychologically working with mitosis, because pain grows and makes more Pain
But everything is clear with understanding

Feelings cause more pain, like a good exercise you can't gain if you don't go through the process of feeling pain. Love and regretion are the reactants that produce pain, chemically mixed together to produce this devouring feel.
But understanding pain weakens it and you can thrive through it.

It's easy to understand if you just give yourself enough time, cause understanding is overtime.
Conflict is misunderstanding
Peace is clear understanding
Wisdom is a tranquil understanding
Understand your thoughts and you'll Under Stand the world