

Days - Chapter 3
Before I could hit Ben we heard people coming in the changing room, and knowing my state right now, I really didn't want to be seen the way I am. So I grabbed his front shirt with both my hands and hurried him backwards to the shower cubicle just a few steps behind him, as soon as we were in I closed the door. Without knowing what else to do I placed my hands on the door leaning on it, the only thing I can think of doing right now is to wait for the guys to finish getting changed and get out as soon as they're gine, without me noticing out of worry Ben had leaned in close to me and whispered near my ear. ~ So, what's the plan? ~ As goose bumps ran through my neck I slapped his face with the back of my left hand making him flinch backwards and hiss quietly. ~ Please don't do that ~ I said as I turned around to face him. ~ This is your fault ~ I added, Ben then looked awkward and looked away, seeing his reaction reminded me that my shirt was ripped open showing my chest, I turned away embarrassed and dared not to say anything anymore. (When are they going to leave? ) As I was getting impatient, I closed my eyes wishing this would pass faster. I then hear movements behind me, I opened my eyes, but before I could turn around a white sheet passed my eyes to cover me, it was Ben's shirt. ~ If you want to confirm if I got anything to show, you can turn around ~ He said with a playful tone, I dared not to turn around guessing that his ego might go over the roof, but I could not keep my ears from slightly heating up from knowing this. ( Wait, is he? omg, he's not wearing a shirt?! I want to see, no, stfu, you don't, his shirt smells really good tho... ) My face feeling flushed I covered my face with his shirt unknowingly, I hear him chuckle, I then hear someone walking towards the cubicle, I panicked. ( Did they see our feet?! ) The only thing I could think of to solve the problem was to lift myself up, but I had nothing to hold on to, I panicked and looked at Ben. ~ Sorry ~ I jumped onto Ben, grabbing his shoulders to lift myself up dropping his shirt and wrapped my legs around his waist knowing after doing so that only Ben's feet would be visible, he as well grabs my lower thighs to cooperate and as to avoid touching me anywhere he thinks I wouldn't like, I turned my face away from him so that he could not see my face burning from embarrassment. ( Today is the most ridiculous day of my life. Thank the jumping god that I jumped high enough, if I hadn't sh*t would go down so wrong, OH MY GOOOOD!!! ) I could not help but squirm in my head with all of the embarrassing outcome if we get find out in this situation. " Hey, you dropped something " A guy behind the door says. I looked on the floor and saw Ben's shirt being pulled then appearing a second later over the door, he moves his left arm to wrap around my waist, to secure that I would not slide off. ( I feel like a little kid being held by her father, but damn... he's strong being able to just support me with one arm... ) He reached for his shirt with his right hand. " Thanks " Ben replied as he quickly pulled his shirt back placing it over my head. ~ This time don't drop it ~ He whispered in an even more lower playful way that it almost makes me think that he was seducing me, I blush at the thought and couldn't help but want to pinch him hard, he lifts me higher and places his hands where they were before. ~ I'll choke you if you say anymore ~ feeling slightly annoyed and embarrassed I really wanted to just run away, my body was slowly running out of strength too but even so Ben was still holding firmly, I can feel that he's very fit but even so I felt bad. ( Sh*t I must be heavy, please leaaaaavvveeee people! I'm dying of embarrassment here! ) I took a peek at Ben in my dilemma, I couldn't help but end up admiring how good looking up close he is which made me even more annoyed for some reason, he noticed me staring. ~ You're making a black hole on my face ~ He joked, I quickly bit his collar bone making him make a pained expression, I turned away as my face got red.
When we couldn't hear anyone else in the room, I finally got off of him. " Check if no one's there anymore " I stepped to the side and gave him room to walk out. He opened the door and got out, he slightly closed the door behind him just to make sure no one sees me even if anyone was still there. " No one's here anymore, you can come out now " He said as he looks out for anyone for me, I walked out cautiously wearing his shirt like a cape. He walks ahead of me to look outside if anyone else was there, I quickly got to the girls changing room safely and was finally anxious free.
As I was putting my clothes away I picked up Ben's shirt and remembered what happened, I sqeezed my eyes closed from the embarrassing memory of me jumping on him while he was shirtless, I shook away the stupidity running through my mind and got back to my senses and placed his shirt inside my locker, I hurried to change into my GYM clothes and left for the field where we had to gather. Seeing that the teacher was already talking to the class I jogged towards them, he noticed me approaching. " Good morning teacher, I'm so sorry for being late " He looked at Ben who was already running on the field, then to me. " Well good morning to you too, fortunately you can accompany Ben running " He turns his attention back to the class making me notice that most of the girls were looking at the running field making me follow their gaze on Ben. ( see, he's popular. Did he transfer when I was sick? But I don't even remember missing a class since this month... But it wouldn't make sense even if he did transfer today, since we're near the end of this school year ). " I wouldn't have expected this from our punctual student " The teacher lifts his right hand. " Five laps. Ten if you want the same as Ben right there " I sigh and started running, while I do so I couldn't help but feel that's something was off. ( How could I have not known or even notice him if he's this popular? Or am I reading too much into this? What the heck is going on? )

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