

Blue Diamond
In the world today, we are afraid of the new challenges that come our way. The challenges that sometimes breaks us but teaches us a valuable lesson. As a magician, I only intended to fool you but the reality is that magic lives within us, you just need to realise it.
Thirty-two years ago, in the depths of the mining caves in Kollur India, an archaeologist discovered a rare blue diamond. The diamond had an illuminating blue glow and it had seemed fascinating. In it’s natural form, it was powerful, yet very dark. It was found by an old Indian archaeologist Raja Singh. He seemed desperate but he was unique with a genuine sense of personality and magnetism that filled his eyes. He was just another curious man, who struck gold that day. He saw the strange bluish illumination of light that came from the narrow walls. He wondered and though it seemed like and ordinary diamond, there was something special about it. He had the faintest acknowledgment of the diamond’s existence. He took a sharp knife and started digging the clay walls. The loud sounds of the chiselling echoed for miles as he dug it out from the narrow walls. His eyes widened as the crystal blue prism lit up his face, he quickly hid it in his ragged pocket for safe keeping. Raja left the mining caves immediately that day. There was a small village close by which he called home. Excited about his discovery Raja contacted a trusted friend, unfortunately nobody knew about it. Everyone who Raja told about the diamond found it very impressive but there was something fascinating about it. The slightest touch of the diamond releases a blue glow like a shield, it had it’s own way of protection yet its powerful posture made Raja obsessed and possessive. This scared Raja's family. Raja’s wife Vidya Singh, told him to sell it. They would make a lot of money from it but Raja grew a strong bond with the diamond.
A few months later, Raja was beginning to feel drained and sick. He spent alot of money on medical bills until their home wasn’t the same anymore. There was chaos in the family for Vidya hated the very sight of the diamond. Everyday She got so angry, until she secretly contacted a merchant. She had sold the diamond to a merchant in France. The Merchant wasn’t no ordinary man. He had calm eyes, as he spoke softly. His French accent was understandable and his hands moved gently. He was one of illusion and magic. Some people would call him a God. He was humble, uniquely talented and his skills of illusion were impulsive and relatively unbelievable. This was indeed no ordinary man but a Magician, people who knew him called him by his name Samuel Scott.
Samuel however lived a peaceful life, he lived in a small village in France. Apart from being a magician he practiced the Chinese rituals of spiritual healing. He opened up a whole new world with his teaching and he helped thousands of people who visited from around the world. He also had a small family. His Son Caleb Scott, was just about to turn twenty-two, he followed in his father’s footsteps since they shared a very close bond. Caleb liked to explore and everyday he’d venture into the forest to see what’s new. He was always curious yet brave. Caleb had a heart of gold and loved magic as much as his father did, but his love for his mother was much more. Natalie Scott was a majestic temple keeper. Her calm personality reflected in her eyes and her words always seemed to be meaningful and encouraging. She spent most of her time in their jade temple mediating. Samuel knew Caleb’s birthday was only two weeks away and he kept in mind the diamond would be a great joy to him. Samuel had just returned home from his exhausting trip to India, after he purchased the mysterious but beautiful diamond. He thought it was necessary to do a bit of research before gifting this to his son. Samuel came up empty handed but the diamond didn’t seem safe. The diamond felt unsafe and he wasn’t sure what made the diamond this way. He decided to use his magic.
He was desperate to know the origin of this rare piece of rock. A daring illuminating light lit the entire house that gained the attention of the entire village. It’s bright glow created a perfect image of the diamond’s original nature. It was created by the all the natural elements and beauty of this cruel world. Samuel had never seen such power and beauty. He knew that this was something he had to keep hidden. The diamond attracted many evil people and the negativity of ones mind was consumed by this diamond, which made it dark and unstable. Samuel decided to visit a few of his best friends. They were five different magicians, who felt it was necessary to break it apart. They all had a different a mind set but the same idea. Samuel told them about the diamond and they discussed the best possible solution to keep it hidden, until they were certain what the diamond was capable of. It took weeks and they all failed in attempting to cure the diamond of its darkness. They all agree to protect it, until a man walked into the village looking for trouble. Ronaile Versa was a great yet dark magician but first a scientist.
He tried to prove everything with facts and his ego was always higher than his head. He had a devilish look in his eyes and pride that consumed him. Ronaile's life was filled with fortune, diamonds and gold. He would take everything that meant something to the village people. He stole everything using his magic as a weapon. Ronaile wasn’t always like this, ever since he lost his wife Viviana Versa, he had become heartless and cold. The only thing mattered to him was magic. He would use magic to control how someone thinks and how they would react. He had become vindictive and cruel. Samuel and Ronaile were once great friends until Ronaile betrayed him by stealing a powerful Jade crystal. Samuel always suspected him to be evil and decided to keep him away from the diamond. Samuel regretted the fact that he ever knew Ronaile, after they had a heated argument about his wife’s death a few years ago. This argument fueled Ronaile’s rage. For this was his greed that killed his wife. The diamonds bright glow appeared and was seen for miles which brought Ronaile to Samuel’s doorstep.
Everyone was afraid and their eyes were filled with fear to see Ronaile slowly crawling through the dirt road making his way to Samuel’s house. He only wanted the power for himself. Ronaile had the strangest idea that the diamond can also create immortality for the one whose worthy of it. Unfortunately his theory was wrong. Meanwhile back at Samuel’s house, he went to his son and wife Natalie. He told them that he had a strange feeling that a great storm is coming soon and the diamond needs to be properly protected.
Both Caleb and Natalie became silent but felt the negativity that was slowly moving towards their peaceful home. Samuel seemed quiet but aware of the danger that lies ahead. He spoke softly as he instructed Caleb “My son take the diamond to the monks in China, you must go there immediately!”. Without hesitation Caleb left. Samuel went to his most trusted friends to seek their help to stop Ronaile. Ronaile stood in the middle of the village as he threatened a little girl’s life “Bring me the diamond and I shall spare her life!”. Angry and impatient he placed a knife under the child’s neck and was about to end her life when Samuel interrupted him, “let her live, for they know nothing of the diamond you seek!”
All of Samuel friends stood close by and pleaded with Ronaile but it was all in vain. The wind had become cold and the sky was covered by thick dark clouds as this was Ronaile’s storm. His anger and frustration lead to bloodshed. He waited for the storm to reach it’s highest point then to attack. Ronaile twisted his fingers and like a hose it sprayed fire that burned the houses one by one. The village people were forced to enter their burning houses and the terror filled Samuel and his friends eyes as they try to save everyone. Unfortunately Ronaile had full control and he was determine to find that diamond. Ronaile was the cause of this devastating destruction. For this made him feel powerful but he was powerless by heart. Ronaile knew the diamond was kept in the temple where Natalie would spend most of her time. Ronaile wanted revenge and his poison kept spreading, he knew she was there alone and her magic wasn’t enough. Ronaile entered the temple and he placed his schemes into action. He stabbed Natalie from behind , as she fought until her last breath trying to protect herself. She used her last spark of magic to summon the guards of the temple by ringing the bells. Caleb heard the loud sounds of the bells and saw everyone running in different directions. Scared and confused he ran into the forest as he spotted a few of Ronaile’s guards following him. Samuel was beyond angry, the reddish look on his face appeared to be anger and fear, when he saw his Natalie in the temple floor covered in blood. Samuel’s pain and agony grew as he pick up his wife’s lifeless body. As he was about to walk out of the temple, the doors had shut tightly and the roof was engulfed with flames. They were surrounded by fire and what had seemed like no hope Samuel hugged his wife and cried in agony as he promised to seek revenge for Ronaile’s inhumane act.
Caleb stood among the tall oak trees as he watched his home being destroyed and suddenly he heard the loud shouts of Ronaile’s men rushing towards him “FIND HIM NO ONE LIVES TODAY!”. Caleb knew there was a monk who resides in the jade temple on the Cold mountains in China and he was desperate to reach his destination. Caleb was in agony after losing his parents but he knew his father was never wrong. He took the diamond and promised his father he would protect it with his life. Caleb then ran out the village gates into the storm and he climbed aboard a vegetable truck. As he left his home, he watched it burned to the ground. Fear and anger took Caleb to Chinatown. The people were speaking a different language and they were strange to Caleb. It was difficult for him to read the signs or understand what they said. Asking for directions were of no use. He searched everywhere but couldn’t find the temple, until a market vendor showed him the way. Across the forest, up into the mountains, through the thick fog hidden within the vines a beautiful Jade temple. Caleb knew he was almost there, little did he know that he was still being followed. Some of Ronaile’s men had followed Caleb with demands to kill him and retrieve the diamond. Caleb had a long way to go but Ronaile’s men just saw Caleb’s tiredness and took advantage of his situation. Caleb had stop to rest for a while, when he heard the cracking sound of a twig. He looked around and didn’t see anything but he started to think he wasn’t alone. He stood behind a tree hoping it was just an animal but unfortunately it wasn’t. The men spotted Caleb and chase after him.
Deep within the mountains of China, rings out the screams of a terrified young magician; as he runs breathlessly to save his life. Protecting the one thing that could cause chaos in the wrong hands. Caleb was being chased by Ronaile’s men. He was a great magician and illusionist just as his father, but his ego and determination was way over his head. He cut across the luscious thick green bush around him, as quickly as he can. He was in desperate need he of help. He shouted and screamed hopelessly, as arrows flew across his head. Ronaile’s men were Chinese and they all carried weapons such as bows, arrows and knives. They wore a ninja-yoroi, light black sandals that wrapped around their ankle and they covered the faces with hooded masks.
Their aim was to retrieve the diamond and kill the magician before he reached the top of the mountain. Caleb knew he couldn't make it to the top. He was beginning to lose his confidence, he had to think of a distraction that would throw the men off track. Using his magic, he created a strange misty fog by using the water from the trees. The fog was so thick that it covered the path he took. Lost in the forest with nowhere to run, Caleb hid behind some trees, as he rest for a moment. He began to think of an escape plan as he looked around scared and traumatized. He managed to confused the chinese men for a little while. Even though they couldn't see which way the he went, they began to use different strategies, like climbing trees and using the vines like ropes to swing across the fog. Something Caleb knew nothing about. These men were trained assassins and Caleb was out numbered. He began to run the moment he found an opportunity. Thirsty and out of breath he looked for ways to distract the men, he used the vines like ropes to tie them together which slow them down but it wasn’t enough to stop them. Everything he tried went in vain. While running Caleb heard the rushing sound of water and he knew there was a river close by. Again using his fog he decided to make his way to the river.
The mist gave Caleb time to escape; he came upon a rapid flowing river. He didn’t think he could cross but he had to get across as fast as possible. This came as a challenge he wasn't ready for. It wasn’t an easy task for Caleb. He needed to have absolute focus. He was known for his tricks of illusion. With a hint of faith he created a thin glass bridge across the heavy flowing water as it falls off the cliff. Caleb attempts to cross but his magic only got him as far as half way. Running as fast as he could, he began to jump cross the river when his luck fell short. One of the Chinese men, aimed an arrow that struck him down from behind. The magician felt the pain of the arrow that penetrated through his back. His is eyes were filled with deep pain and tears knowing that he didn’t kept his promise to his father.
He fell backwards into the rapid crystallized water below. His lifeless body floated off the cliff and disappeared under the water. The group of chinese men waited to see if he would emerge from the water. They sat near the river for hours, only to find an empty brown bag made of cloth that had floated up from underneath the water. They were filled with disappointment, fear and suspicion, as they kept thinking Caleb was indeed dead. They knew Ronaile would be angry, since they couldn't find the diamond. Little did they know, that the diamond was kept in Caleb’s hand. His body emerged from the quiet water, He was unconscious and badly wounded. His body floated down the quiet stream and stopped at the edge of the river bank below the mountain. Where an old, wrinkled man found him. He looked as if he was a hundred years old, wrapped in an orange yojoi and bare feet. He seemed kind and pure. His eyes were filled with peace and genuine happiness but fear, as he looked at Caleb.
He pulled Caleb from the clutches of the river and took him to a remote temple that was hidden in the forest by a magical force field. The old man was a spiritual healer and a monk at the temple. This place was peaceful and it was hidden for a reason. The temple was beautiful and stone structure stood tall and high. It was surrounded by Jade dragons and water from the river flow peacefully through its dragon’s pond. The temple was indeed special. They practised the art of meditation, spiritual healing and ancient fighting skills known as martial arts. The old man tried to revive Caleb who seemed lifeless. As spiritual healer he can only do little but he could not completely heal Caleb. Caleb became conscious for a while, he opened his eyes to take a slight glimpse of who was standing over him. The old monk looked directly into Caleb’s eyes and saw his pain and suffocation. He felt dishearten and pity as looked at the young man gave up. Caleb had enough strength to hand over the diamond to the old monk . Caleb however, decided to trust the monk for he showed him care and respect. This turn of events lead to a miraculous future, which frightened the monk. His trust was enough for the diamond to release it’s powerful blue glow that projected the perfect image of the pervious past. Showing the old man a vision of where it was originally created and found. This was the reason it was important to protect it. It projected a perfect image of the events that took the lives of this secret magician society in France from which Caleb came from. It showed how they created a Jade temple to protect it for it was dark but it was their hope for another day. The darkness that covered the diamond was negativity that surrounded it but to the monk it seemed like hope. The monk saw beyond the darkness and saw how beautiful and powerful this diamond can be. Only the right magicians can heal this diamond from its darkness. The monk reflected a positive energy towards the diamond which partly healed the sickness within it. Keeping the diamond was a very difficult task, for many greedy people wanted the diamond for themselves. So the monk made a promise to Caleb that he would protect it till his last breath. The monk thought to himself why? Why did such a beautiful sign of hope turned so dark.?
It brought destruction upon a peaceful nation and the magicians who once protected the diamond were killed. The diamond was only supposed to be used as a token of hope but others only saw the darkness within. Caleb breathlessly spoke his last words as he put his faith and trust in this stranger. “Someone with a pure heart will be able to contain its magic...!”Caleb continued to speak as his voice trembled and his hands becomes weak. The old monk held on to this dying magician and said “only a magician will be able to contain its natural powers and restore balance and peace to what was once lost...this I promise you!”.
A man who's capable of handling it’s miraculous power of illusion and immortality. A man of truth and a genuine pure soul, will be the only person who can control this beautiful rock. Before closing his eyes Caleb whispered a magician’s curse upon the diamond. As he handed the diamond to the old man, the entire Jade temple was engulfed with blue flames. The flames spread light but didn’t burn. The floor of temple cracked and became metal, the small rectangular shaped metal encircled Caleb and it turned into five black metallic playing cards; that reflected a blue magical writing of numbers and shapes. This turn of events was Caleb’s dreadful curse. The writing on the cards appeared to be ancient and powerful, that protected the cards from harm. It kept the diamond from revealing its natural form. Despite the metallic appearance, the cards were light as a feather. In a blink of an eye, Caleb faded into dust and since his promise wasn't kept; the dust was taken away by the wind. The metallic playing cards seemed fascinating but with the slightest touch it released and sharp edge that cuts through the best of metal, wood or even the very flesh of a human body.
The old monk knew that Caleb trusted him. After witnessing Caleb’s death he decided to take the five cards and placed them into the temple but as he was about to do so, four of the metallic cards disappeared. The monk was scared for he had no acknowledgment of this strange magical card but to keep his promise he didn’t have another choice. The old monk decided to build a temple over the remaining card. He was afraid to touch it because of its sharp edges. He was a bit confused but he realized how important it was to protect the metallic card. The temple took two days to build and when it was finished the monk placed the card carefully into a box and he noticed the card had a diamond shape engraved on it with the numbers five on it. He didn’t know what it meant but he went on and placed the card inside the temple. He didn’t have any other option but to keep the magical card inside the locked temple.

To be continued................