

I have seen women suffering from various reasons.Why does only a women suffer?Why isn't it equal for men and women?When I think about such issues.I seriously feel quite agitated.Most cases women suffer from psychological, psychical, emotional and mental abuses.Im not saying they are weak .All I'm thinking is ,Why is this?Why does only Women be the one to suffer.From Childbirth to upbringing their own children.From being a girl to a women.In all scenarios it's the women who faces the wrath.Women are told to behave and follow etiquettes.Women are told what to be done and what not to be done.Women are always thought to be inferior.They say it's a modern world but still in some parts of the country Women are still being abused either emotionally or physically.Where can we find peace for Women?Who is the hero in such circumstances?Some Women deal with heart break or cheating /betrayal and yet are asked to move on as if it's nothing.Why doesnt the society teach the Men the same they teach Women to behave.Even though I hardly doubt that will change a thing.But still will this new so called Pretentious Modern world ever make this world safe for women out there ?Well let's hope for it.
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