

My pacemaker
As all knows,LOVE is precious.Hard to find difficult to decide and rare is make it successful. Actually it's not that much difficult if two persons are Full loyal and dedicated to each other.
I never in love till now. Yeah ,Its right I have many crush.But I always want a guy ,the one who will always my crush ,my friend,my partner and for whom I always want to do everything with all my heart .
I don't know m lucky or unlucky in this case but I met one rest of my listed character. It's secret but I fall for him.I don't know what's the end but I don't know why I always want to make him Happy and make surprise. why I always want to make him smile.His eyes and his cute smile is my pacemaker 💓. I don't want to make him disappoint any of my work ever. I never felt like this ever for any .We never meet nor talk in call .But he is important for me .I don't want to say these things to him. He said ," he loves me beyond my imagination".
But i swear he can't love me as i do. My one and only pacemaker ❤️.

© lisa