

SAD STORY: of faithful Lovers

(Sandeep and Sana were going in a motercycle speeding over 100 mph)
Girl: Sana said Sandeep please 🥺 go Slow down Im getting scare,dear...!

Guy: Sandeep said No baby its jus a fun. Girl: Sana said, No its not. Please, its to scary! Im begging you dear please..!!
Guy: Sandeep said, dear Sana please tell me,. How much do you love me,
Then tell me once you love me.

Girl:Sana said, dear Sandeep i can't explain you that how much ilove you, ok Fine,
I will say you ,I love you. Know please Slow down! the motercycle dear,..!!

Guy: Sandeep said, dear sweetheart Sana Now give me a BIG hug.

Sana:- hugs Sandeep)
Guy: Sandeep,said dear baby i miss you, & i love you forever till my life end's babe,
Please Can you take my helmet off and put it on? Its bugging me.

Next day the breaking news got in the paper : A motorcycle had crashed because of break failure. In hill station
Two couples were on the motorcycle, but only one person survived.from the incident..!

The truth was that halfway down to the road, the guy:-sandeep realized that his motercycle s breaks was broken, but he didn't want to let the girl (Sana) know. Instead, he had her say she loved him, felt her hug one last time, then had her wear his helmet so she would live even though it meant he would die.

Love is the gift of the world that makes life beautiful, after falling in love, a different feeling comes. At that time, forgetting everything, we keep thinking only about that person.
Love is a filling that is not express in word. Love come in exist when we come in exist.

Hello friends, I am your friend vinod Kumar Rk, I am a writer and I tell stories, welcome to my blog and today I am going to tell "After years her call came to me ...." A love story that Refreshed the memories of your love that if you too have truly loved someone, then this love story will make your heart and mind cry, and will say..!!

© vinod sam