

Beginning of new chapter(part4)
As Ram and his friends were discussing their game plan, their teacher, Mr. Kumar, walked into the class room. "Boys, I couldn't help but overhear your conversation. You're all taking the right path by working together and strategizing. That's what I want to talk to you about today."

Mr. Kumar wrote a quote on the board: "A student chooses a path, but a teacher teaches us about the path."

"What does this mean?" Ram asked, curious.

Mr. Kumar explained, "It means that we, as students, choose our own path in life. But it's our teachers, mentors, and guides who help us understand the path we've chosen. They teach us about the twists and turns, the obstacles and opportunities, and how to navigate them."

Raj nodded thoughtfully. "So, it's like, we choose our own destiny, but our teachers help us make the most of it."

"Exactly!" Mr. Kumar said. "And that's what I want you all to remember as you move forward in life. You have the power to choose your path, but don't be afraid to seek guidance and wisdom from those who have come before you."

The boys nodded, taking in the wisdom of Mr. Kumar's words.
Mr. Kumar reminded the class about the test scheduled for the next day and wished everyone good luck
As the students walked home from school the upcoming test was the hot topic of discussion they couldn't stop talking about the upcoming test. However, a few students, including Ram, Rahul, Raj, and John, who were part of the football team, were more focused on their upcoming match. They discussed how to practice and decided to ask their football coach if they could practice during class, with the dean's permission.
Siya and maya also discussed about test, Siya asked Maya, "Hey, do you have any doubts about the class syllabus? I'm still unsure about a few topics."

Maya thought for a moment before responding, "Actually, I'm having trouble understanding the last chapter. I don't get how it relates to the rest of the syllabus."

Siya nodded sympathetically. "I'm having trouble with that chapter too. Maybe we can study together and figure it out?"
Maya smiled, grateful for Siya's help. "That sounds like a great idea. Let's meet up at lunch tomorrow and go over it together."
Meanwhile, Ram, Rahul, Raj, and John were still focused on their football match, but they also knew they had to stay on top of their studies. They made a plan to study together after their football practice, determined to do well in the test and the match.
The next day, everyone arrived at school, looking a bit tired from their late-night studying. Some students were trying to take last-minute snaps of their notes, while others were relaxed, knowing they had done their best.

Raj, Rahul, and John were chatting and laughing, wishing Ram good luck, knowing he was a shoo-in for class representative. They were more interested in discussing the upcoming football game and the new movie released the day before, planning to catch it together.

Meanwhile, Siya and Maya were going over their lessons, when Trisha, the class's popular girl, stood in front of Maya and said, "You think you can beat me on this test? I'm always the 2nd rank holder, but now I've got the 1st rank, and I'll represent the class with Ram!"

Trisha and Ram were childhood friends, and Trisha had a secret crush on Ram, always admiring him in class. She had even spread a rumor that Ram was her boyfriend, but Ram was oblivious to this.

Siya was unaware of the rumor and simply rolled her eyes at Trisha's boastful claim. "We'll see about that, Trisha," Siya said with a smile.

Maya, feeling a bit intimidated, whispered to Siya, "Do you think Trisha will really beat us?"

Siya whispered back, "Don't worry, Maya, we've studied hard. We'll do just fine."

The teacher walked in, and the class fell silent, ready to begin the test.

The teacher instructed the students to sit according to their school roll numbers for the test. Once everyone was seated, the teacher distributed the test papers. The students were surprised to find that it was a comprehensive test covering all subjects, not just science as they had expected.

As the test came to an end, the students submitted their answer sheets, and the teacher arranged them in order. The students then headed to the canteen, buzzing with excitement and discussing the test paper.

"I thought it was just a science test!" one student exclaimed. "I didn't expect all subjects to be included!"

"I know, right?" another student replied. "I'm not sure if I'll pass or not. The questions were really tough!"

The canteen was packed, and the test paper was the hot topic of discussion. The students were all eager to find out their marks, which the teacher had announced would be declared in the last period of the class.

As they waited anxiously, Ram, Rahul, Raj, and John discussed their football match, trying to take their minds off the test results. Siya and Maya sat together, wondering how they had performed.

Trisha, meanwhile, was confident that she had aced the test and was already thinking about her victory speech as class representative.

The suspense was building, and the students couldn't wait to find out their marks.
© anaya raj singh