

With death chapter 4

Carving a painting which impossible to paint both of them stepped into the flowing thick water. It carved a slow cirlcle around their legs. Screaming both of them immediately regretted doing that. They felt a rush of electricity supplied by a trident run through joining dots of mythology and their life. Grim sometimes and maybe non existence at that point of time. Trying his best to move foward he screamed thunder running all over his body with the bolt zeus at his cold feet. The end of the thick water was near reaching out for the ground something started to pull both of them back- Seizing their legs in the thick water, like a cuff for legs. Ebt screamed trying to pull himself out of this cuffs which he was locked in. A sudden thunder out of nowhere ran through his body and both of them ran to the top of the hill like a athelete running relentlessly on a track.
The clouds cried with agony pouring down the tears of the one who were being punishied slowly drops trickled down into his mouth giving a taste of his own kind. A hurdle expected to be only one turned out to be multiple hurdles. It was the end of their they thought- Climbing the mountain would end there misery they thought. But the worse was yet to come. A bridge carefully build which ran into sewers and the mountain itself was carved with dead bodies. The bodies were rotating like a circle with agony and fear vocabulary set in their mouths. In the tops of the mountain a hostile feel could be felt radiated all over, the feel of chains and people stuck desparately trying to find the words of ste of courage to speak up against the rainbow which they were shown. A growl from the top rotated all around the place, It was no happy growl only the taste of a creature dying, slowly swallowing ink with alcohol

To be continued
© Kshitij sathe