

Believe none of what u heard; Believe only what u see!
The streetlights were dim as the mist enclosed it in its mysterious grip. She peered out of her window into the darkness, was there someone out there or was it her imagination as the woman continues to ponder about as she peers out of her window into the darkness sqeechin her pupils to an extent of view that was so dark and undescribable from her window. She begins to sprang up from her window which was located in the East wing of her enormously gigantic kingdom, grabbed her silky rosey red robe, slipped on her slippers and grabbed her gun she had stored right at the headboarding of her florally smelling bedroom which gave off such calm vibes and energy. After the woman of such curiosity had gather herself grabbed her gun and grabbed her phone and then she begins to run as fast as she could to position herself in away that she would be able to view what she may or may not have really seen something or maybe even seen somebody. As she approach her position to better view the image that was so dark and misleading to her eyes or better yet somewhat unanswerable; the lady trips on the pretty red rosey robe she was wearing falls down seven stairs break two nails rips her pretty red robe and cracks the front face of her phone. The lady quickly got up from her fall pulled up her robe in away that she could not trip on it again and without hesitation she dashes across her hallway to her Safari decorated room with a window that resembled windows in a showroom. Upon her rapid arrival to a window with better viewing potential the curious woman begins to look and again started her search of what she may have seen or may have imagined that she saw. Still looking eagerly awaiting for a clear viewing. To be sadly mistaken furthermore slightly bothered by all the havac and obstacles that caused me to miss what was really there are to be shown that this woman had an imagination that ran wild causing an illusion that has a realistic connection that caused her to be elusive to her on illusionist illusionizing illusionized illusions illuded